I am using this repo to collect my Javascript, CSS and HTML studies.
Please open https://apulai.github.io/web-study/index.html
Roll the dice and see who wins. This was a challange in an Udemy course.
In the course we used images, here I manipulate CSS properties instead.
I learned here the easy way of adding and removig CSS classes.
Try to remember and play back the tunes the computer genereated. This was a challange called Simon's Game from an Udemy course.
This a small Bootstrap test. I liked the Caroussel widget most.
But in my Bootstrap folder there are other studies as well.
Mobile first, is really key in these years. I've studied responsive layout with this micro project.
This is a node.js based application with Express and Mongoose.
The aim is to create a ToDo list application.
The backend is mongodb running on the same host, as the main application.
To test it you have to install node.js on your host. I've used an LTS version from
First init the package repo with node init
then download the node.js packages with node -i
, finally run the app with node app.js
For mongodb I've used docker pull mongodb
. Start your container with
docker run -d -p: 27017:27017 mongo
Finally direct your browser to http://localhost:3000/
This is a React based application hosted on codesandbox. On my udemy course we finished with a React App. To get here We have created 30+ mini React studies to understand how React works. Learning about keeping the state and using hooks was really interesting.
This is a project for printing a family calendar. I've studied the grid layout in this project. I also added Javascript code from https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/sunrise.html to calculate sun-rise and sun-set times, as well as moon phases.
This is a project for testing SVG. I wanted to create a Catan like playfield on screen. You can add routes and cities. You can roll the dice and see who get's resources. Try placing more villages (edge points).
This is small project to draw math functions in an SVG drawing area. The JS parser is from https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/lib/browser/math.js
This is small project for a quiz. I was always interested how it might be done in html. The answers are not evaluated yet. Also servers as a study for visibility and display CSS properties.
This is small project for Drag and drop. I was always interested how it might be done in html. Super simple.