This library contains resources to help communicate with execution server. For all communications with execution server, your application should be registered and a secret key needs to be generated.
Please contact [email protected] for your credientials.
Key | Description |
SECRET_KEY | Secret Key is required for encryption. Secret Key should be generated on the Appsfly publisher dashboard |
APP_KEY | Application key to identify the publisher instance |
NOTE: Above params are needed for checksum generation. Please refer to the methods mention below.
Key | Description |
MODULE_HANDLE | Each micromodule of a service provider is identified by MODULE_HANDLE |
UUID | UniqueID to identify user session |
Key | Description |
INTENT | Intent is like an endpoint you are accessing to send message |
PAYLOAD | Data payload |
The SDK can be included to handle authorization. There is no need for you to handle checksum generation and verification.
npm i node-integration-kit --save
npm install node-integration-kit --save
var nodeIntegrationKit = require("node-integration-kit");
var app = new nodeIntegrationKit.AppInstance({secret:"SECRET_KEY", appKey:"APP_KEY"});
app.exec("MODULE_HANDLE", "INTENT", JSON.parse(PAYLOAD), UUID).then(function(result){
//Handle Result
//Handle Error
}); exposes a single API endpoint to access Microservices directly.
Header | Description |
X-App-Key | APP_KEY |
X-Module-Handle | MODULE_HANDLE |
X-Encrypted | BOOLEAN |
Content-Type | Must be "text/plain" |
Body must have the encrypted checksum for the following JSON. Please use jsonwebtoken to generate and verify checksum. INTENT, PAYLOAD
Covert the above JSON to string and append it to key "af_claim" as follows:
{"af_claim": "{\"intent\":\"INTENT\", \"data\":\"PAYLOAD\"}"}
The response of the microservices is encrypted and you will be needing JWT decode or verify with the secret key to decode the response. After decode, the response is in "af_claim" key. Please go through this documentation for different microservices.