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Hold Seats API

Somya Arora edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 1 revision

1.1 Fetch Events List



Request Params Description

CITY city name to get list of events


  	"city" : "$CITY"

Response Params Description

EVENTS Lists of all the events
ID EventsHigh ID for an event
CITY Event City
TITLE Event Title
DESCRIPTION Event Description
IMG_URL Primary Event Image URL
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE List of all upcoming occurrences for the event
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE.OCCURRENCE_ID EventsHigh ID for an upcoming event
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE.DATE Date of an upcoming occurrence of the event
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE.START_TIME Start time an upcoming occurrence of the event
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE.END_TIME End time an upcoming occurrence of the event
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE.SINGLE_OCCURENCE Count of single occurrence of the event
UPCOMING_OCCURENCE.ENABLE_TICKETING True or False (True represents ticket can be enable and false represents ticket cannot be enable)
URL URL gives complete details about the event
CATS JSON Array of list of categories associated with this event
VENUE Event Venue JSON Object. Includes venue name, address, latitude, longitude, and city
PRICE A JSON Array of different pricing tiers for an event
PRICE.ID EventsHigh ID of one of the occurrence
PRICE.EID EventsHigh ID of an event
PRICE.NAME Name of the price tier
PRICE.CURRENCY Currency of price. Default is INR
PRICE.VALUE The ticket price value
PRICE.DISCOUNT_PCT The discount percentage. Default is 0
PRICE.DISCOUNT_VALUE If discount_pct>0, this represents the new ticket price value.
PRICE.VALIDITY_START This price tier is valid from this specified start date
PRICE.VALIDITY_END This price tier is valid till this specified end date
PRICE.NOTE A more descriptive note about the price tier. It is mandatory to display the note when available.
PRICE.CAPACITY Total capacity for this price tier. 0 means capacity is unbounded. Note: capacity does not mean remaining inventory, it means total capacity available
PRICE.IS_MULTI Ignore this field
PRICE.IS_INDIVIDUAL Ignore this field
PRICE.DATE The next upcoming date when this price tier is applicable
PRICE.TIME The next upcoming time when this price tier is applicable
PRICE.ALL_OCCURRENCE The total occurrences for this event for which this price tier is applicable. Same as price.occurrences.size()
PRICE.TIME The next upcoming time when this price tier is applicable
PRICE.OCCURRENCES List of all date/time occurrences of this event for which this price tier is applicable.
BOOKING_URL Ticketing end point for this event for users to buy tickets
BOOKING_ENQUIRY_URL Any Booking related enquiry for this event for users to buy tickets

Response Body

    "id": "$ID",
      "city": "$CITY",
      "title": "$TITLE",
      "description": "$DESCRIPTION",
      "img_url": "$IMG_URL",
      "upcoming_occurrences": [
        "occurrence_id": $OCCURRENCE_ID,
        "date": "$DATE",
        "start_time": "$START_TIME",
        "end_time": "$END_TIME",
        "end_date": "$END_DATE",
        "single_occurrence": $SINGLE_OCCURANCE,
        "timezone": "$TIMEZONE",
        "enable_ticketing": $ENABLE_TICKETING
     "cats": [
    "venue": {
      "name": "$NAME",
      "address": "$ADDRESS",
      "lat": $LATITUDE,
      "lon": $LONGITUDE,
      "city": "$CITY"
    "price": [
                    "id": $ID,
                    "eid": "$EID",
                    "name": "$NAME",
                    "currency": "$CURRENCY",
                    "value": $VALUE,
                    "discount_pct": $DISCOUNT_PCT,
                    "discount_value": $DISCOUNT_VALUE,
                    "validity_start": $VALIDITY_START,
                    "validity_end": $VALIDITY_END,
                    "note": "$NOTE",
                    "capacity": $CAPACITY,
                    "min_quantity": $MIN_QUANTITY,
                    "is_multi": $IN_MULTI,
                    "is_individual": $IS_INDIVIDUAL,
                    "date": "$DATE",
                    "time": "$TIME",
                    "all_occurrences": $ALL_OCCURRENCES,
                    "rank": $RANK,
                    "occurrence_id": $OCCURRENCE_ID,
                    "end_date": "$END_DATE",
                    "end_time": "$END_TIME",
                    "donation_ticket": $DONATION_TICKET,
                    "extra_data": {},
                    "group_id": "$GROUP_ID",
                    "group_name": "$GROUP_NAME",
                    "group_note": "$GROUP_NOTE",
                    "group_icon": "$GROUP_ICON",
                    "is_valid": "$IS_VALID",
                    "tax": {
                        "taxes": []
                    "occurrences": [
                            "date": "$DATE",
                            "time": "$TIME",
                            "end_date": "$END_DATE",
                            "end_time": "$END_TIME",
                            "occurrence_id": $OCCURRENCE_ID,
                            "group_id": "$GROUP_ID",
                            "is_valid": "$IS_VALID",
                            "id": $ID
                  "convenience_fees": $CONVENIENCE_FEES,
                    "cgst": $CGST,
                    "sgst": $SGST
            "booking_url": "$BOOKING_URL",
            "booking_enquiry_url": "$BOOKING_ENQUIRY_URL""

Error messages

Some error messages, you might get for an invalid search request. The HTTP response code in this case will be 400.

Status Error message Description
400 Please specify the city city is missing.
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