Caching made simple for Android and Kotlin.
An important component of building offline-first architectures is to implement caching.
An offline-first architecture initially tries to fetch data from local storage and, failing that, requests the data from the network. After being retrieved from the network, the data is cached locally for future retrieval. This helps to ensure that network requests for the same piece of data only occur once—with subsequent requests satisfied locally.
At its simplest, a cache is nothing more than a key-value store with a getter and setter.
interface Cache<Key : Any, Value : Any> {
suspend fun get(key: Key): Value?
suspend fun set(key: Key, value: Value)
The real power comes when we are able to compose two caches into a new cache. A memory cache should have a single responsibility to store data in memory, and a disk cache a single responsibility to store data on disk.
val cache = memoryCache.compose(diskCache)
For more details read Caching made simple on Android or watch the talk from droidcon London 2017.
When get
is called on the composed cache, the first cache will be checked and
if available returned. If not the second cache will be checked and if available
set in the first cache and returned.
composedCache: Cache<Key, Value> = firstCache.compose(secondCache)
Transform values between data types. This can be used for serialisation and
encryption amongst other things. i.e.
Cache<Key, Value> → Cache<Key, MappedValue>
For two way transformations:
val cache: Cache<Key, Value> = ...
val valueTransform: Cache<Key, MappedValue> = cache.valueTransform(transform, inverseTransform)
// or
val cache: Cache<Key, Value> = ...
val valueTransform: Cache<Key, MappedValue> = cache.valueTransform(TwoWayTransform)
One way transforms return a Fetcher instead of Cache, but otherwise work in the
same way. A Fetcher simply implements no-op for set
and evict
val fetcher: Fetcher<Key, Value> = ...
val valueTransform: Cache<Key, MappedValue> = cache.valueTransform(transform)
// or
val fetcher: Fetcher<Key, Value> = ...
val valueTransform: Cache<Key, MappedValue> = cache.valueTransform(OneWayTransform)
There is support for encrypting string keys and string values (in any cache) on
Android with the layercache-android-encryption
module. The library is using
Google Tink to perform the encryption using
AES-256 SIV for keys and AES-256 GCM for values.
// Encrypt key and value when both are strings
val cache: Cache<String, String> = ...
val encryptedCache = cache.encrypt(context)
// Both key and value stored encrypted in `cache`
encryptedCache.set("hello", "world")
// Encrypt values only when just the value is a string
val cache: Cache<Key, String> = ...
val encryptedCache = cache.encryptValues(context)
// Just value stored encrypted in `cache`
encryptedCache.set("hello", "world")
Transform keys to a different data type. i.e.
Cache<Key, Value> → Cache<MappedKey, Value>
val cache: Cache<Key, Value> = ...
val keyTransform: Cache<MappedKey, Value> = cache.keyTransform(transform)
// or
val cache: Cache<Key, Value> = ...
val keyTransform: Cache<MappedKey, Value> = cache.keyTransform(OneWayTransform)
If a get request is already in flight then this ensures the original request is returned. This may be necessary for disk and network requests along with transformations that take time to execute.
val newCache: Cache<Key, Value> = cache.reuseInflight()
Configures a transformation from JSON to a serialisable data class and
vice-versa. This is useful to store data on disk or in a database.
i.e. Cache<Key, String> → Cache<Key, Value>
data class Value(val value)
val cache: Cache<Key, String> = ...
val objectCache: Cache<Key, Value> = cache.jsonSerializer(Value::class.serializer())
val memoryCache: Cache<Key, Value> = Cache.createLruCache(maxSize: Int)
// or
val memoryCache: Cache<Key, Value> = Cache.fromLruCache(...)
val diskCache: Cache<String, String> = Cache.createDiskLruCache(directory: File, maxSize: Long)
// or
val diskCache: Cache<String, String> = Cache.fromDiskLruCache(...)
Create a cache backed by shared preferences.
val sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("filename", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
val anyValueCache: Cache<String, Any> =
val stringValueCache: Cache<String, String> =
val stringSetValueCache: Cache<String, Set<String>> =
val intValueCache: Cache<String, Int> =
val floatValueCache: Cache<String, Float> =
val booleanValueCache: Cache<String, Boolean> =
val longValueCache: Cache<String, Long> =
Use Jetpack Security to provide a cache backed by encrypted shared preferences where keys and values are both encrypted.
val masterKey = MasterKey.Builder(context).setKeyScheme(MasterKey.KeyScheme.AES256_GCM).build()
val sharedPreferences = EncryptedSharedPreferences.create(
val anyValueCache: Cache<String, Any> =
val stringValueCache: Cache<String, String> =
val stringSetValueCache: Cache<String, Set<String>> =
val intValueCache: Cache<String, Int> =
val floatValueCache: Cache<String, Float> =
val booleanValueCache: Cache<String, Boolean> =
val longValueCache: Cache<String, Long> =
Given a cache we can convert it for use with LiveData. This makes the getter
return a LiveDataResult
which can be one of Loading
, Success
or Failure
val liveDataCache = cache.toLiveData()
liveDataCache.get("key").observe(owner) { liveDataResult ->
when (liveDataResult) {
is LiveDataResult.Loading -> {
// display in progress
is LiveDataResult.Success -> {
// display liveDataResult.value
is LiveDataResult.Failure -> {
// display liveDataResult.exception
dependencies {
// To use with the Kotlin serializer
// Provides support for ehcache
// Provides support for cache2k
// Provides LruCache & DiskLruCache support for Android
// Provides one-line String encryption for Android
// Provides conversion from Cache into LiveData for Android
Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.
All contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, additional language translations, unit/integration tests are welcomed.
Copyright 2020 Appmattus Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.