tools for tracking invasive species Are you aware of any map or info system that tracks invasive species including where they weren't for public use when traveling? I've seen some info on this in the past mainly focused on fish hatcheries or other plant nurseries but I'm thinking of broader applications and wondering about a smart phone app or similar tool. Maybe an existing app like iNaturalist could do the job focusing on aggressive or critical species and diseases that pose bigger threats. Perhaps a citizen science effort could crowd source useful data?
Certainly a lot of organizations track this type of data for various purposes, especially their use, and could contribute. The outreach and education opportunity seems significant too.
It struck me that this was needed when I went from being out on the Channel Islands one day to the high country on the east side the next. Does this make sense or seem practical? I haven't searched much yet so you are my Guinea pig.
✔️ <I sent this question to Dave Herbst August 11, 2016>