This project is a TypeScript starter template for building serverless applications using SST and AWS. It's been setup with a lightly opinionated tsconfig & eslintrc to help you get started quickly 🚀
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (version 18 or later)
- Install AWS CLI following the instructions on the official AWS documentation.
- Configure AWS CLI with your AWS account credentials by running:
aws configure
Follow the prompts to input your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key. You can leave region and output format empty if desired.
To set up the project dependencies, run:
pnpm install
In the project directory, you can run:
pnpm run dev
Runs the app in development mode using SST. The app will reload if you make edits.
pnpm run deploy:dev
Deploys the app to a development stage on AWS using SST.
pnpm run deploy:production
Deploys the app to production on AWS using SST. This script ensures resources are retained even after the stack is removed - just in case 😅
To learn more about SST, check out the SST documentation.
For more information on AWS CLI, visit the AWS CLI User Guide.