The jitney service that West Orange provides to and from the local train stations is really great. However, I find the maps and schedules on the township website a bit confusing and difficult to read.
This is my attempt to improve that and contribute back to the community; hopefully others find this useful.
If you'd like to contribute, please open an issue or, better yet, a pull request.
For the schedules, I just manually copied the information from the township into HTML tables. The CSS uses normalize.css as a reset and, though it doesn't make use of it directly, uses bootstrap as an inspiration.
For the map, I added the routes into Open Streetmap (OSM), then exported them as geojson via the Overpass API. For a mapping library, I'm using Leaflet, with tiles via Mapbox, and I used Color Brewer in color coding the routes.
I struggled a bit getting the routes into OSM -- some routes take slightly different routes in the morning vs the evening, or the township documentations indicate that they go "via" another route. I'm especially interested in any suggestions for how to display this - as well, of course, for any corrections to times or routing I got wrong.