This project is meant to recreate the follow mockup
- use Mirage.js to create a mock API for GET requests,
- use Poppins as font family
- the application must be responsivee on mobile devices
- use Vuex for state management
Image from for mock API
Image from my implementation
- JavaScript
- Quasar Framework
- Mirage JS
- Vuex
- Vuex-persist
- Vue-router
- Linting
- Yarn package manager
- IDE to edit and run the code (Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text 🔥).
- Node.js already downloaded.
Clone the project to your local machine. In the project directory, you can run:
This will install the project dependencies
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:9001 to view it in your browser if thee browser did not open automatically.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.
yarn lint
# or
npm run lint
yarn format
# or
npm run format
quasar build
👨💻 Akoke Victor Anto
- Github: antoHero
- Twitter: @_iam_veecktor
- Linkedin: akoke-anto