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Talking to APIs

Martin Hradil edited this page Jun 28, 2023 · 7 revisions


method description priority
use*View hook for reloadable GET list requests 🔝 use for list screens
useGet hook for a reloadable GET request 🔝 use for detail screens
use*Request hooks providing bare request functions with error handling use for one-time requests without reloads
requestGet, postRequest, requestDelete, patchRequest bare request functions ⬇️ use in utility function without any react context


use*Request, requestGet, postRequest, requestDelete, patchRequest

All of these just do a http request (using ky) with the right csrf token - for use in actions and other hooks.

They come in the bare function variant, and a use*Request variant which provides more error handling & hook logic. For example, useGetRequest returns a function (url, query?), callable either directly or by useSWR.

Prefer use\*Request over requestGet/*Request when possible, the exception being util functions with no access to any hook context.


useGet takes (url, query?, refreshInterval?) and returns { data, error, refresh, isLoading } - using useSWR

use in detail screen


use in list screens

import { useHubView } from '../useHubView';
import { hubAPI, pulpIdKeyFn } from '../api';

  // const toolbarFilters = useApprovalFilters();
  // const tableColumns = useApprovalsColumns();

  const view = useHubView<Approval>({
    url: hubAPI`/_ui/v1/collection-versions/`,
    keyFn: pulpIdKeyFn, // how to tell items apart: id (idKeyFn), pulp_id (pulpIdKeyFn) , pulp_href (pulpHrefKeyFn), name (nameKeyFn)
    queryParams: { 'foo': 'bar' }, // extra params

  // <PageTable {...view} />
import { usePulpView } from '../usePulpView';
import { pulpAPI, pulpHrefKeyFn } from '../api';

  // const toolbarFilters = useTaskFilters();
  // const tableColumns = useTaskColumns();

  const view = usePulpView<Task>({
    url: pulpAPI`/tasks/`,
    keyFn: pulpHrefKeyFn,

  // <PageTable {...view} />

under the hood, these use useSWR (via framework/useView) and the view returns:

// from useView
page, setPage, perPage, setPerPage,
sort, setSort, sortDirection, setSortDirection,
filters, setFilters, clearAllFilters,
// from useSelected
selectedItems, selectItem, unselectItem, isSelected,
selectItems, selectAll, unselectAll, allSelected,
keyFn, unselectItems,
// only in useHubView
// common


For API urls, Controller uses bare strings, starting with /api/v2/, EDA uses bare strings, starting with /api/eda/, monorepo login uses /api/login and /api/logout, while Hub needs configurable prefixes, thus:

hubAPI, pulpAPI

example: url: pulpAPI`tasks/`,

by default, pulpAPI/tasks/ === hubAPI/pulp/api/v3/tasks/ === /api/automation-hub/pulp/api/v3/tasks/, but can be overridden by running npm run hub -- --env hub_api_base_path='/api/galaxy' (or any other base path starting with /api/)

Both hubAPI and pulpAPI also handle escaping, hubAPI`/_ui/v1/namespaces/${}/` will encodeURIComponent all interpolations.

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