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James Talton edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 1 revision

BulkActionDialog is a generic dialog for process bulk actions. It processes the actions in parallel up to 5 concurrently. The easiest way to use the BulkActionDialog is then useBulkActionDialog hook.

Param Type Description
title string The title of the model.
items T[] The items to confirm for the bulk action.
keyFn function A function that gets a unique key for each item.
actionColumns ITableColumn<T>[] The columns to display when processing the actions.
actionFn function The action function to perform on each item
[onComplete] function Callback when all the actions are complete. Returns the successful items.
[onClose] function Callback called when the dialog closes.
[processingText] string The text to show for each item when the action is happening.
[isDanger] boolean Indicates if this is a destructive operation.


useBulkActionDialog - react hook to open a BulkActionDialog


const openBulkActionDialog = useBulkActionDialog()
openBulkActionDialog(...) // Pass BulkActionDialogProps
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