We are building a Russian Drama Corpus with files encoded in TEI-P5. Our corpus comprises 190 plays to date, originating from ilibrary, Wikisource, РВБ, lib.ru, ФЕБ, СовЛит and Wikilivres, converted to TEI and corrected and enhanced by us. There will be more.
If you want to cite the corpus, please use this publication:
- Skorinkin D., Fischer F., Palchikov G. (2018): Building a Corpus for the Quantitative Research of Russian Drama: Composition, Structure, Case Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference "Dialogue 2018", pp. 662–682. (PDF)
RusDraCor was first presented on June 29, 2017, at the Corpora 2017 conference in St. Petersburg (our slides here), on July 11, 2017, at the "Digitizing the stage" conference in Oxford and on November 14, 2017, at the TEI 2017 conference in Victoria. The social network data we extract from plays may also be explored on our website dracor.org/rus or via our Shinyapp.
If you just want to download the corpus in its current state in XML-TEI, do this:
svn export https://github.com/dracor-org/rusdracor/trunk/tei
An easy way to download the network data (instead of the actual TEI files) is to use our API (documentation here). If you have jq installed, it would work like this:
for play in `curl 'https://dracor.org/api/corpora/rus' | jq -r ".dramas[] .name"`; do
wget -O "$play".csv https://dracor.org/api/corpora/rus/play/"$play"/networkdata/csv
The API info page is at https://dracor.org/api/info
To have a first look at the distribution of the number of speakers per play over time, you could feed the metadata table into R:
rusdracor <- fread("https://dracor.org/api/corpora/rus/metadata.csv")
ggplot(rusdracor[], aes(x = yearNormalized, y = numOfSpeakers)) + geom_point()
Here is a barplot showing the number of plays per decade:
(README last updated on September 1, 2019.)