Tested on Debian and OSX.
td: command-line to-do
Usage: td [options]
Raw content written to ~/.td/tasks
GNU sed is needed - default on most Linux installations,
needs to be installed on MacOS with homebrew
-a item Add a new to-do item
-x item_hash Mark an item done
-l List (pending) to-do items
-L List (all) to-do items
td -a "push code"
td -l
td -x d8e8
td -L
- Anish Sujanani, 2023
If you have entered the same item multiple times, marking the hash will x
all copies. i.e. td -a "test"; td -a "test"; td -x "098f"
will x
both "test"
If you'd like to mark multiple items at once, either edit the raw file or use something like xargs
echo -e "aaaa\nbbbb" | xargs -I % td -x %