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angal edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 93 revisions


add comment to all “events” (messages) in lib/a-contracts.rb

tutorials for users (screencasts) point new developers to the howto’s


please add bugs as “issues”

Improvements (wish list item)

	core : extract from ae-rad a rad-lib for general purpose (review and improve the code)

	core : i18n support

        core : open the menus more easily (bwidgets woe probably) (when you click on one and slide to the next, it should open the next, 
        like normal menus do)

        core : layout :  
           it doesn't restore window size/position from previous run
       it doesn't remember layout from one run to the next (panel placements),  
       it sometimes starts too big on windows (hidden under start bar--almost as if full screenified for some reason)
       it doesn't remember the last file your were editing, with editing location, on startup

       debug: move the screen on highlight so that you can tell where it breakpoints when it does
          when you expand an empty hash, show something (that looks empty) instead of just nothing
          when running display something to let us know more (spinning icon or what not)
          DONE add a "stack trace" tab DONE
          add hotkey for "debug current" "step next" etc.
          add an "eval this arbitrary statement within the current debug context" somehow

       ack in files: remember a search directory versus an open/close file directory.  Just two, that's all.  Get and set appropriately.

        core: aesthetics:
                -- icon update
                -- use icon for the app's icon
               -- use the title bar better (name of file being edited displayed first)
               -- the line number column is far too wide--looks like it could display up to 99999999 which is too big
        core: about 
               -- show the platform, ruby version, everything else useful
               -- add a close button or close on first click on it

        double click on "class=AckInFilesService" should select words, not whole line

	ae-editor :
	* show syntax errors ('as you type' )
        * <strike>auto completion of current word based on words within the current window also
           like textmate's hitting escape.</strike>  or from words in all currently open windows.

	* highlight local variables of same name when your cursor is within one.
	* local variable rename, all change (refactor local variable name)

       F3 (repeat search) should work across files

        * doesn't remember your show/hide toolbar preferences from session to session. DONE
       ability to paste text in and it will be pasted in "with the right indentation" as the line above it.

       on "auto complete when you type a ." it needs to use rubyw on windows

      auto complete should complete with any classname/method name from open tabs

      when you type a single line "end"  or "}" it should take the indentation level down by one and re-format it correctly, for you.

	ae-file-history :
	      * search/ack within files of folder (right click?)
              * open dir as project right click
	      -- tree "auto expand" if it only has one child
              -- describe better what "sync" means, somehow.

	ae-search-in-files : 
           <strike>--add regex support for 'find in file' </strike>
          --make it so that you don't have to click on one of the search 
              entries to be able to use the mouse scrollwheel to scroll up and down.
	<strike>make "do you want to exit" optional</strike>
        make it faster so it doesn't slow down as badly when you  have a search with many many hits
        make it use a tree-like structure for the output cut down on visual output

        goto line: 
           -- doesn't actually move cursor to line
           DONE -- needs a hot key DONE

      <strike> float over for editor tab titles [full path]</strike>

      ack-in-files: fix "non @" bug, fix enters for each one (hitting enter should search always), use a default file path, it should highlight on clicking on, as well as that it currently moves there, needs to respond to the mouse wheel correctly, needs to highlight on click, better examples in the popout, it needs to double check that the directory you specify EXISTS.

      find popup: make it bigger

      allow single click in the "output" pane for underlined files with line numbers (currently is double click)

       DONE on F5 [run file] it pauses quite awhile--avoidable? DONE (done on windows, at least)

	make "load last files" on startup optional
	or put an option on "max number of last files at start up"

       windows: able to add it to the start menu

       startup speed is slow

       could close more quickly also

      <strike>search within files is slow</strike> it's still slow, but ack in files is here and it's much faster

       new feature: pass it a directory and it opens it in the project panel.

      <strike>editor: "ctrl +o opens the filesystem dialog in the directory that that file you’re on is."</strike>
          * ctrl+w closes the current tab (current open file in editor)
          * could use highlighting for .erb files
          * ctrl+n open new file (blank)

       list all available hot keys somewhere so that people can see them without guessing.

       outline extension: would be more useful if it auto-expanded when it first opened for a new file.

      project drawer: 
          * could use new icons for folders [ugh]
          * 'right click search/ack within with dir'

      editor: doesn't respond to mouse wheel in the appropriate window--it should respond to mouse wheel based on the panel it is hovering over, not the one it is in.

       back and forth buttons, navigation
       DONE -- F5 (run file) should auto-save (all?) current file -- DONE

       auto-save (all?) on lost focus (make it an option?)

        go to line should highlight the line or at least move the cursor to the line.

       make "line numbers" optional (i.e. you can turn them off)

        search/ack in files default -> more reasonable default directory

        open files -> more reasonable default directory

        require 'filename' -> provide way to open said filename hotkey or right click

        "go to source of method under cursor" option / hotkey

        drop down list of all current editor tabs (so you can see all tabs more easily than clicking many times to scroll past them all)

        escape should cancel out of any dialog window (all of them)

       DONE -- ability per file to specify line endings [and it should choose a sensible default, per file, and use that when it saves] -- DONE

       DONE -- in windows: "open with arcadia" right click option -- DONE

       windows: associate .rb with arcadia

        "select all" option (and hot-key ctrl+a)

       dir projects/file history/open file: it should re-open the project window when you open a file, if it's closed.

       F5: it should auto-show the output pane or bring you out of full screen

       DONE #   §require_dir_ref=../..  the require_dir_ref needs to accept ascii directive :) DONE

       project pane:
       * ignore .svn folders (or user specifiable globs)
       should auto-expand to "remember" the previous positions, on startup

       remember last editing position/file and take you there on re-startup

        "file history":
                * clear history button
                * should auto-expand to "remember" the previous positions, on startup

       ability to "comment out large sections" with a hot key (ctrl+/)

       ability to "select" rectangular areas, and edit (around) them--see e text editor/textmate

New extensions
project drawer (or refactor the history tab to have this option) “just like textmates”

	code prettifier (source reformat) 
            (similar to ) see also



	preferences editor for application and/or extensions properties

	ruby refactoring

        full support for textmate bundles.

        textmate's "command r" (fuzzy finder for files within the current project)

        textmate's "command t" (fuzzy finder for methods within the current file)

        search and replace "in all files in a dir" (perhaps?)

        an irb pane [generic irb]

        somehow integrate method_desc during  a debug (i.e. auto-ri display for methods on float)

        ruby on rails shortcuts " go to view" (goes to view with same name as current method, or view mentioned on current line).  Anything else that rored has that's nice...

       "hints for parameters" somehow for methods

       history: add "remove branch" option


       Does arcadia work with ruby 1.9? can it display M17n?

      <strike>Does the debugger work in windows?</strike>  does now

       does arcadia work in os x? (1.8.x)

Short list: higher priority items

  • ctrl+r [fuzzy finder for files in history]
  • able to remove project from project pane (bug)
  • go to line should highlight the line or at least move the cursor to the line.
  • add prettifier
  • go to line needs hot key (ctrl + g ?)
  • close the current tab (current open file in editor) needs hot key (ctrl + w ?)