A DotNet Core experiment in rebooting a Netgear router via command line so I can schedule my router reboots.
Code is based off of WGET code sample found here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/DSL-Modems-Routers/Rebooting-D7000v2-via-wget-in-script-SOLVED/m-p/1763558.
NetgearRouterReboot [options]
- --username This is the username for your Netgear router login. The default on most routers is admin.
- --password This is your password for your Netgear router login.
- --ipaddress This is the address of your Netgear router on your network. Typically this is something like or * [default:]
- --version Show version information
- -?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
NetgearRouterReboot.exe --username admin --password MyRouterPassword --ipaddress
This is a self-contained exe for the Netgear Router Reboot: NetgearRouterReboot.zip
Netgear R7000P Firmware Version V1.3.2.124_10.1.64