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A real-time sportsbook odds data stream processing system implemented as "actors" using Elixir.


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Off-Broadway Offerings


☝️ NB: This is non-proprietary framework code that I designed and implemented for a major provider in the online gambling space. The intent of this repository is to share techniques used for handling a real-time, low latency (compressed) TLS/TCP socket (push) datastream and how to establish an actor network for reactively handling real-time datastream events. You'll get the most value by comparing Kambi's specification to the respective Elixir code. Of particular note:

The "magic" in this code comes from a novel use of function captures. Once the connection module retrieves the JWT and performs the TLS connection to assign the socket, it calls StreamHandler.init/1, providing that function with a capture of the MessageHandler.handle_message/2 function. You'll notice that the first argument of that capture is a value placeholder, which is expected to be a "fully-framed" message. The StreamHandler.init/1 call returns with another function capture which encapsulates the provided handle_message/2. This function capture also contains a value placeholder, this one expecting gzip compressed bytes straight from the socket. The StreamHandler.init/1 return capture gets stored in the connection's state and we finally move onto continuously consuming bytes from the socket. Assuming bytes were retrieved, the connection's state's StreamHandler capture gets invoked with said bytes and the return value, another capture, gets stored back into the connection module's state before making another (recursiveish) call to consume socket data. Assuming the StreamHandler capture invocation was able to identify a message, its encapsulated MessageHandler.handle_message/2 capture is invoked providing the (accumulated) message bytes. The message bytes get pattern matched and if applicable, get published to the first Broadway pipeline and onward to the actor network.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions: Andrew Oswald.

An Elixir (off-broadway) application that consumes a Kambi Offering Replication API datastream and feeds it to a Broadway pipeline. The events are then processed by way of a dynamic actor network.

flowchart LR
    id1-->id2([message stream])-->id3
    subgraph Kambi
    id1(Offering Replication API)
    subgraph off_broadway_offerings
    id3(StreamHandler)-->id4(MessageHandler)-->id5{{Broadway MessagePipeline}}-->id6[[Actor Network]]

It is within the actor network where arbitrary, reactive business logic runs.

Processing Internals

off_broadway_offerings is an OTP application with numerous levels of supervision trees. It's designed to be error resilient when applicable and to internally manage component isolation. For a typical example, if we should experience a networking hiccup, the entire application will not grind to a halt, but rather, the connection will be reesatblished and the app will self-heal. That said, there are several processing internals of note, as outlined below.

The Connection component: a gen_statem state machine

The ORA feed requires two steps to start the message stream, both of which needing client certs for authentication. The first step is to retrieve a JWT followed by using said JWT to establish a TLS/TCP socket connection. Once the socket connection has been established, the session gets initialized and the real-time offerings message stream starts.

Connection states

direction LR
[*] --> disconnected
disconnected --> connected

Disconnected state internals

direction LR
[*] --> jwt
   state "state: disconnected" as disconnected
   state "state: connected" as connected
   state disconnected  {
     state "action: jwt" as jwt
     state "action: timeout :jwt" as jwt_error
     state jwt_result <<choice>>
     state connect_result <<choice>>
     state "action: connect" as connect
     state "action: timeout :connect" as reconnect

     jwt --> jwt_result: JWT http call
       jwt_result --> jwt_error: case error
       jwt_result --> connect: case ok
     jwt_error --> jwt: time delay retry

     connect --> connect_result: socket connect
     connect_result --> consume: case ok
     connect_result --> reconnect: case error
     reconnect --> connect: time delay retry

    state connected {
      state "action: consume" as consume

Connected state internals

direction LR
state "state: disconnected" as disconnected
state "state: connected" as connected
[*] --> consume
 state connected {
   state socket_rcv <<choice>>
   state "action: consume" as consume
   consume --> socket_rcv: socket receive
   socket_rcv --> consume: case timeout#58; queue consume
   socket_rcv --> consume: case packet#58; queue consume #38; StreamHandler.(packet) lambda invocation
 state disconnected  {
  state "action: jwt" as jwt
 socket_rcv --> jwt: case error

Once connected, rcv calls on the socket with results of packet (ie, data from the socket buffer) or timeout are immediately followed by messaging the process itself to invoke another consume call. This enables the module to be responsive to other messages it may have received in its mailbox (gen_statem is actually a gen_server abstraction).

Broadway Message pipeline: reliably organizing the real-time ORA data stream

Identifying compressed message boundaries (and doing so performantly) is only part of the challenge of making use of this data feed. It's been observed that despite TCP ordering guarantees, messages in the ORA feed are not guaranteed to arrive in a logical order. I am confident at one point they were in order, but if you think about the context for which they're being generated, it starts to make more sense that the onus of organization is on the client. I speculate that there's some sort of stability threshold required of an entity prior to it being shipped; said differently, if an entity is the subject of a barrage of updates, it simply doesn't make sense to ship it until that volatility has settled. Meanwhile, more granular messages associated to the entity are not subject to the same constraints and are thusly sent over the wire to downstream clients (albeit with higher offset values, ie, logically out of order). Fortunately for us, Broadway makes organizing all of this data rather simple.

Our sourcing of Broadway data is slightly unconventional with regard to what's typically described as its intended use-case, that of pulling data from sources. Broadway producers, the entry point to Broadway pipelines, have an internal buffer that can have data pushed to; in this case, we push data to the MessageProducer from the MessageHandler (which, in turn, received data from the StreamHandler). The MessageProducer maintains an internal state that is kept aware of what stage the messages being provided happen to be in: snapshot for bootstrap, replay when from an offset, and realtime when real-time; this extra meta information is passed along with the message in order to surface that bit in case downstream business logic would need it. It's worthy of note that it's the MessageHandler's responsibility to assign the current date-time prior to passing the data along to the MessageProducer.

The next stage after producer in a Broadway pipeline is that of processor. Our processor configuration is the first stage to utilize concurrency. It's got a very simple, but very important role of unmarshaling the message (from raw binary) and assigning the actor ID for which related messages will be batched. The choice to unmarshal the messages in the processor was strategic: don't tie up the datastream consuming process with any unnecessary work, but rather distribute that work amongst the machine's cpu cores (ie, configured processor concurrency count).

Batching is the (optional) final stage of a Broadway pipeline and is where we logically dispatch in bulk for actor network processing (also making use of concurrency). The ProbabilityProcessor receives batches of messages respective to an actor. Its first duty is to sort the given messages by offset, thusly restoring logical order as presented in the entity models. Once sorted, the actor messages are processed for create, update, and delete actions. Batching gets triggered either by size or time threshold.

flowchart LR
  MessageProducer-->|binary message|p0[processor 0] & p1[processor 1] & p2[processor 2] & pn[processor N]-->|unmarshaled json|batcher[:default batcher]
  batcher[:default batcher] --> bp0[batch processor 0] -->|actor-0 messages|pp0[ProbabilityProcessor]
  batcher[:default batcher] --> bp1[batch processor 1] -->|actor-1 messages|pp1[ProbabilityProcessor]
  batcher[:default batcher] --> bp2[batch processor 2] -->|actor-2 messages|pp2[ProbabilityProcessor]
  batcher[:default batcher] --> bpn[batch processor N] -->|actor-N messages|pp3[ProbabilityProcessor]

Dynamic Actor network: reactive business logic by way of messaging

The ProbabilityProcessor can be thought of as a proxy to the actor network. It relies heavily on the Elixir Registry primitive and with the exception of create and delete handling, is entirely non-blocking. Registry's design provides optimized lookup and assignment at the expense of unregistering, which can be delayed; we ensure unregistering by tight-looping a subsequent lookup, only returning once the call results in an empty value (in practice this takes place so quickly that it's unobservable, but Kambi will, on occasion, send deletes immediatly followed by creates for the same entity so ensuring delete is required in order to maintain proper actor state).

There are currently two types of actors in the network (both implemented as GenServers): Event and BetOffer. Per the message entity model, Events are unaware of their associated BetOffers and due to the async nature of the data stream, BetOffers may be processed in the system prior to the actual existence of their associated Event actors. Fortunately for us, coordination of both scenarios isn't terribly difficult to deal with thanks again to strategic use of Elixir's Registry. Relying on process instantiation on the BEAM being atomic, both actor types' start sequences utilize a PubSub Registry feature. Outlining the BetOffer sequence first will provide more context when looking at the Event starting sequence.

BetOffer actor initialization

  participant PP as ProbabilityProcessor
  participant DS as DynamicSupervisor
  participant BO as BetOffer
  participant OTP as OTP (GenServer)
  participant AR as ActorReg
  participant PSR as PubSub Registry
  participant Event
  PP->>DS: start_child(BetOffer, ...)
  DS->>BO: start_link(...)
  BO->>OTP: start_link(...)
  OTP->>BO: init (callback)
  BO->>PSR: register(event_id, bet_offer_id)
  PSR-->>BO: {:ok, pid}
  BO-->>OTP: {:ok, state, {:continue, term}}
  OTP->>AR: register(offer_id)
  AR-->>OTP: {:ok, pid}
  OTP-->>BO: {:ok, pid}
  BO-->>DS: {:ok, pid}
  DS-->>PP: {:ok, pid}
  OTP->>BO: handle_continue (callback)
  BO->>Event: get_event(event_id)
  Event->>AR: lookup(event_id)
    AR-->>Event: []
    Event-->>BO: {:ok, nil}
    AR-->>Event: [{pid, value}]
    Event->>OTP: call(pid, :event)
    OTP->>Event: handle_call(:event, _from, state) (callback)
    Event-->>OTP: {:reply, {:ok, event}, state}
    OTP-->>Event: {:ok, event}
    Event-->>BO: {:ok, event}
  BO-->>OTP: {:noreply, state}

That's quite a bit to unpack, but the particular things of note are:

  • In its init, the BetOffer registers itself in the PubSubReg to receive notifications from its associated Event when that actor receives updates.
  • The init callback response contains a continue instruction, which gets priority over any other messages that may have already arrived in the BetOffer's mailbox.
  • The subsequent handle_continue attempts to retrieve the associated Event; if the event exists, pertinenat event attributes are stored in the BetOffer actor's state.

Event actor initialization

  participant PP as ProbabilityProcessor
  participant DS as DynamicSupervisor
  participant Event
  participant OTP as OTP (GenServer)
  participant AR as ActorReg
  participant PSR as PubSub Registry
  participant BO as BetOffer  
  PP->>DS: start_child(BetOffer, ...)
  DS->>Event: start_link(...)
  Event->>OTP: start_link(...)
  OTP->>Event: init (callback)
  Event-->>OTP: {:ok, state, {:continue, term}}
  OTP->>AR: register(offer_id)
  AR-->>OTP: {:ok, pid}
  OTP-->>Event: {:ok, pid}
  Event-->>DS: {:ok, pid}
  DS-->>PP: {:ok, pid}
  OTP->>Event: handle_continue (callback)
  Event->>PSR: dispatch(event_id, update_lambda)
  loop Each Registered BetOffer
    PSR->>BO: handle_info({:event, event, msg_meta}, state) (callback)
    BO-->>PSR: {:noreply, state}
  PSR-->>Event: :ok
  Event-->>OTP: {:noreply, state}

A couple similar concepts going on here, such as:

  • In its init, Event responds with a coninue instruction so we don't block the calling process any longer than necessary.
  • The subsequent handle_continue code invokes the dispatch function on the PubSubReg for which BetOffers have registered to receive Event updates.

Subsequent Event updates follow the same pattern of calling dispatch on the PubSubReg with an appropriate update lambda to keep all registered BetOffer actors aware of the changes.

Probability pipeline: simple batching to AWS Kinesis

With the actor network established and reactively handling events, we're now equipped to surface data when business criteria is met. The current latency requirements aren't too terribly urgent, so the natural choice was to publish to an AWS Kinesis stream. Keep in mind, however, if needs for lower latency would be of competitive advantage, we have the opportunity for soft real-time by way of Channels. Nevertheless, the ProbabilityPipeline sources its data similarly to the MessagePipeline by way of having data pushed to a producer. This time it's slightly different though, with the ProbabilityProducer subscribing to a Phoenix PubSub topic. When business criteria is met within an actor, said actor will simply publish shaped data to a pertinent PubSub topic, leaving consumers of the data to be largely framework agnostic (thus leaving the potential opportunity for Channels).

flowchart LR
  id6[[Actor Network]]-->id3(Phoenix PubSub)-->id5{{Broadway ProbabilityPipeline}}-->aws>AWS Kinesis]

ProbabilityPipeline details:

  • The processor is making use of concurrency and is responsible for marshaling the Elixir data terms to JSON.
  • The batching, also making use of concurrency, is only concerned with optimizing batch uploads to Kinesis; the data does not need to be partitioned or assign processor affinity.
flowchart LR
  ProbabilityProducer-->|"{id, shaped_data}"|p0[processor 0] & p1[processor 1] & p2[processor 2] & pn[processor N]-->|"{id, JSON}"|batcher[:kinesis batcher]
  batcher[:kinesis batcher] --> bp0[batch processor 0] -->pp0[ExAws.Kinesis]
  batcher[:kinesis batcher] --> bp1[batch processor 1] -->pp1[ExAws.Kinesis]
  batcher[:kinesis batcher] --> bp2[batch processor 2] -->pp2[ExAws.Kinesis]
  batcher[:kinesis batcher] --> bpn[batch processor N] -->pp3[ExAws.Kinesis]


This project's source code and documentation are licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


A real-time sportsbook odds data stream processing system implemented as "actors" using Elixir.







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