Sync your Snyk monitored projects and open automatically JIRA tickets for new issues and existing one(s) without ticket already created.
Cron it every X minutes/hours and fix the issues. Aimed to be executed at regular interval or with a trigger of your choice (webhooks).
Use the binaries from the release page
-orgID=<SNYK_ORG_ID> // Can find it under settings
-token=<API Token> // Snyk API Token. Service accounts work.
-jiraProjectKey=<Key> // Jira project Key the tickets will be opened against
--orgID=<SNYK_ORG_ID> // Can find it under settings
--projectID=<SNYK_PROJECT_ID> // Optional. Syncs all projects in Organization if not provided.
// Project ID can be found under project->settings
--api=<API endpoint> // Optional. Set to https://<instance>/api for private instances
--token=<API Token> // Snyk API Token. Service accounts work.
--jiraProjectID=<12345> // Jira project ID the tickets will be opened against
--jiraProjectKey=<KEY> // Jira project Key the tickets will be opened against
--jiraTicketType=<Task|Bug|....> // Optional. Type of ticket to open. Defaults to Bug. Please see the 'Notes' section below.
--severity=<critical|high|medium|low> // Optional. Severity threshold to open tickets for. Defaults to low.
--maturityFilter=[mature,proof-of-concept,no-known-exploit,no-data] // Optional. include only maturity level(s). Separated by commas
--type=<all|vuln|license> // Optional. Issue type to open tickets for. Defaults to all.
--assigneeId=<123abc456def789> // Optional. Jira ID of user to assign tickets to. Note: Do not use assigneeName and assigneeId at the same time
--assigneeName=<AccountName> // Optional. Jira Name of user to assign tickets to. Note: Do not use assigneeName and assigneeId at the same time
--priorityIsSeverity // Optional. Set the ticket priority to be based on severity (defaults: Low|Medium|High|Critical=>Low|Medium|High|Highest)
--labels=<IssueLabel1>,IssueLabel2 // Optional. Set JIRA ticket labels
--priorityScoreThreshold=[0-1000] // Optional. Your min priority score threshold
--dryRun=<true|false> // Optional. result can be found in a json file were the tool is run
--debug=<true|false> // Optional. enable debug mode
--ifUpgradeAvailableOnly=<true|false> // Optional. create ticket only for upgradable issues
--configFile // Path the jira.yaml if not root
The tool does not support IAC project. It will open issue only for code and open source projects and ignore all other project type.
Option to get the JIRA ticket priority set based on issue severity. Defaults map to:
Issue severity | JIRA Priority |
critical | Highest |
high | High |
medium | Medium |
low | Low |
Use SNYK_JIRA_PRIORITY_FOR_XXX_VULN env var to override the default an set your value.
Example: Critical sevs should receive the Hot Fix priority in JIRA
git clone the repo, build.
go run main.go jira.go jira_utils.go vulns.go snyk.go snyk_utils.go to make JSON parsing a breeze
A logFile listing all the tickets created can be found where the tool has been run.
"projects": {
"123": [
"Summary": "test/goof:package.json - Remote Code Execution (RCE)",
"Description": "\r\n \\*\\*\\*\\* Issue details: \\*\\*\\*\\*\n\r\n cvssScore: 8.10\n exploitMaturity: proof\\-of\\-concept\n severity: high\n pkgVersions: 3.0.0\\]\n\r\n*Impacted Paths:*\n\\- \"snyk\"@\"1.228.3\" =\u003e \"proxy\\-agent\"@\"3.1.0\" =\u003e \"pac\\-proxy\\-agent\"@\"3.0.0\" =\u003e \"pac\\-resolver\"@\"3.0.0\"\n\r\n[See this issue on Snyk|]\n\n[More About this issue|]\n\n",
"JiraIssueDetail": {
"JiraIssue": {
"Id": "10001",
"Key": "FPI-001"
"IssueId": "SNYK-JS-PACRESOLVER-1589857"
"Summary": "test/goof:package.json - Prototype Pollution",
"Description": "\r\n \\*\\*\\*\\* Issue details: \\*\\*\\*\\*\n\r\n cvssScore: 6.30\n exploitMaturity: proof\\-of\\-concept\n severity: medium\n pkgVersions: 4.2.0\\]\n\r\n*Impacted Paths:*\n\\- \"snyk\"@\"1.228.3\" =\u003e \"configstore\"@\"3.1.2\" =\u003e \"dot\\-prop\"@\"4.2.0\"\n\r\\- \"snyk\"@\"1.228.3\" =\u003e \"update\\-notifier\"@\"2.5.0\" =\u003e \"configstore\"@\"3.1.2\" =\u003e \"dot\\-prop\"@\"4.2.0\"\n\r\n[See this issue on Snyk|]\n\n[More About this issue|]\n\n",
"JiraIssueDetail": {
"JiraIssue": {
"Id": "10001",
"Key": "FPI-001"
"IssueId": "SNYK-JS-DOTPROP-543499"
Example of config file structure. If your jira project has specific mandatory field or custom fields configured, they will need to be added to the config file. Mandatory fields:
Make sure to give both key and value expected by jira under the customMandatoryField key of the config file. We support 2 kind of mandatory field: simple key/value pair or nested key/value
Simple key/Value:
customMandatoryFields: key: value: "This is a summary"
will result in adding this object to the ticket
{"key":{"Value":"This is a summary"}
firstKey: secondKey: id: 65
will result in adding this object to the ticket
Custom fields:
- At the moment we are supporting 3 types of custom fields: labels, MultiGroupPicker and MultiSelect.
- Make sure to respect the format belong in the config file:
- labels:
"customfield_10601": jiraValue-label-Value1,Value2
- MultiGroupPicker:
"customfield_10601": jiraValue-MultiGroupPicker-Value1,Value2
- MultiGroupPicker:
"customfield_10601": jiraValue-MultiSelect-Value1,Value2
- labels:
For more details on jira custom field please visit [Jira documentation] (
schema: 1
orgID: a1b2c3de-99b1-4f3f-bfdb-6ee4b4990513 # <SNYK_ORG_ID>
projectID: a1b2c3de-99b1-4f3f-bfdb-6ee4b4990514 # <SNYK_PROJECT_ID>
severity: critical # <critical|high|medium|low>
maturityFilter: mature # <mature,proof-of-concept,no-known-exploit,no-data>
type: all # <all|vuln|license>
priorityScoreThreshold: 10
api: https://myapi # <API endpoint> default to
ifUpgradeAvailableOnly: false # <true|false>
jiraTicketType: Task # <Task|Bug|....>
jiraProjectID: 12345
assigneeId: 123abc456def789
assigneeName: AccountName
priorityIsSeverity: true # <true|false>
label: label1 # <IssueLabel1>,<IssueLabel2>
jiraProjectKey: testProject
priorityIsSeverity: false # <true|false> (defaults: Low|Medium|High|Critical=>Low|Medium|High|Highest)
value: 5
customfield_10601: jiraValue-MultiGroupPicker-Value1,Value2
- The token is not expected present in the config file
- Command line arguments override the config file. IE: Using the config file above, running ./snyk-jira-sync-macOs -Org=1234 -configFile=true -token=123 the org ID used by the tool will be 1234 and not a1b2c3de-99b1-4f3f-bfdb-6ee4b4990513
- See 'Extended options' for default values
- Please ensure you use the same issue type that is configured in your JIRA. Default is Bug. Please verify the type is use (or default) exists in your JIRA configuration.