A new project of this tool has been published under the new project IBM i Build with OBI.
I replaced GNU Make by OBI (Object Builder for i), for this project.
This has many advantages:
- Much better performance
- Fewer issues with special characters in filenames and console output
- Easier configuration settings
- No WSL needed for Windows clients
This project should help to make our deployment process automated:
Check for changes
It checks all sources which have changed since last compilie
Check for dependencies
All objects which depend on the changed source will also be compiled (in correct order)
E.g. if a table or view has changed, all objects which use them will be compiled too
For details have a look at Set up your Makefile(s)
Compile in correct order
tables before programs etc. based on the dependency list
All actions can be done in you IDE (RDi or vscode)
All compile informations separated by each source:
- joblog
- spool file
- error output
If you also want to use git with that you will benefit of all it advantages:
Work with branches
Version control
Integration in other tools like Atlassian JIRA
Compare between different versions
Extended source list(s)
- You can use a source list containing all sources and the related text description from the source files.
- Feel free to make your own (multiple) source lists for your projects.
To get a list of all your needed sources in each list. - Extend the list with further information like
- Category
- Link to wiki or ticket
- Department
- etc.
- This source list can be automatically generated (e.g. via SQL)