Scrape Youtube by runing this simple bash script
A simple and super fast scraping script That can search youtube and get content
This is a simple script just search what you type and then can scroll and
go to other pages and then select what video you would like to watch.
You can view watch history now
Type --help
to kown more about It.
- yt-dlp
- mpv (Any video player works but you need to add it to the script )
- firejail (sandbox for privacy)
every detail is explained on each with output while using the script
mostly just run the script and type what ever you want to search and thats it.
- Type anything to search and search again or Enter the number of the video that you want to watch
- press q to quit out of video or the search options
- Enter 'n' to switch through pages
With this script you can do:
- Search by title and choose the video (also possible with fzf) and the quality
- Paste a video link and the video will play. You can drag the thumbnail directly from the youtube web page.
- Paste a playlist link and the whole playlist will be played. You can drag the SHOW FULL PLAYLIST button. The quality will be the same for all videos.
As this is my personal used script I'm just keeping the older scripts which are useless as youtube updates there site.
The old version were actually for Distributions either of old stable repositories or rolling versions of distros