A ride-booking app created with React Native and Pusher. Tutorial is available at: https://blog.pusher.com/creating-ride-booking-app-react-native-pusher/
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node.js - for installing react-native cli
- React Native Development Environment - you need to install either Android Studio or Xcode, depending on where you want to deploy.
- Genymotion - for running the app. You can also run it on your device if you want but it will be difficult to test the location change unless you move around. Genymotion has GPS emulation via a Google Map interface so it's easy to spoof the location and fake moving around.
- now.sh - for deploying the server.
- React Native - for building cross-platform apps with JavaScript and React.
- Pusher - APIs to enable devs building realtime features.
- to b-h- for their Stackoverflow answer on how to get the difference in meters based on two coordinates
If this project helped you reduce time to develop, please consider buying me a cup of coffee :)