Note same topic might be presented differently when given several times at various conferences
- 2024
- ACCU, April: Surveying the Community: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
- C++Now, April/May: C++ Painkillers: The Evolution of C++ Toolability
- NDC TechTown, September: How To Address 7 Major C++ Pain Points with Tools
- Spotlight, October 30, How to Build Trust and Authority via Thought Leadership and Data
- MUC++ meetup, December 20, C++ in the Age of AI: Should I now quit my developer job?
- 2023
- Core C++, June: Standard C++ Toolset
- C++ on Sea, June: Standard C++ Toolset
- NDC TechTown, September: Standard C++ Toolset
- CppCon, September: Surveying the Community: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
- 2022
- Meeting C++, November: Standard C++ Toolset
- NDC TechTown, September: Code Analysis++
- Highload++, May: Code Analysis++ (updated version, RU)
- 2021
- CppCon 2021, October: Code Analysis++
- C++ on Sea 2021, June: Code Analysis++ (half-day workshop, no recording)
- C++Now Online 2021, May: Surveying the community – what could possibly go wrong (Lightning talk, EN)
- C++Now Online 2021, May: Code Analysis++ (extended version, EN)
- C++ Siberia Online, February: Code Analysis++ (in Russian)
- 2020
- Talents in Games Online, December: A C++ Ride Through the Gamedev Universe
- NDC Tech Town Online, September: C++ ecosystem: the renaissance edition
- NDC Tech Town Online, September: Workshop: C++ ecosystem and Modern C++ tooling
- C++ on Sea Online, July: C++ ecosystem: the renaissance edition
- C++ Russia Online, June: C++ ecosystem: the renaissance edition (in Russian)
- 2019
- JetBrains Night Tel Aviv, May, Israel
- Haifa:C++, May, Israel: Debug C++ Without Running
- Core C++, May, Israel: C++ ecosystem: For better, for worse
- ACCU 2019, April 2019, UK: C++ ecosystem: For better, for worse
- C++ on Sea, February 2019, UK - Debug C++ Without Running
- 2018
- ADC, November 2018, UK - Debug C++ Without Running
- C++ CoreHard, November 2018, Belarus - Debug C++ Without Running
- CppCon, September 2018, US
- ++It, June 2018, Italy - Debug C++ Without Running
- C++Now, May 2018, US
- C++ Russia, April 2018, RU - Debug C++ Without Running (in Russian)
- ACCU 2018, April 2018 - Debug C++ Without Running (very first version)
- C++ UG Bay Area, March 2018, US - New standards to the rescue: the view through an IDE’s glasses (updated version)
- 2017
- ADC 2017, November 2017 - Tools from the C++ eco-system to save a leg
- Meeting C++ 2017, November 2017, GE - Tools from the C++ eco-system to save a leg
- CppCon 2017, September 2017, US - New standards to the rescue: the view through an IDE’s glasses
- CppCon 2017, September 2017, US - Tools from the C++ eco-system to save a leg
- Chicago C/C++ Users Group, September 2017, US - New standards to the rescue: the view through an IDE's glasses
- New York C++ Developers Group, September 2017, US - Tools from the C++ eco-system to save a leg
- St. Petersburg C++ User Group, September 2017, RU - Как не выстрелить в ногу, или инструменты из арсенала C++ разработчика (Russian)
- SwedenCPP UG meetup, May 2017 - Can you make me more productive with a C++ IDE?
- C++Now 2017, May 2017, US - A look at C++ through the glasses of a language tool
- ACCU 2017, April 2017, UK - A look at C++ through the glasses of a language tool
- St. Petersburg C++ User Group, April 2017, RU - Взгляд на C++ через призму C++ IDE (Russian)
- 2015
- Chicago C/C++ Users Group, September 2017, US - Can you make me more productive with a C++ IDE?