In this project I have created a web application to keep track of all personal expenses made by a user. It has the basic functionalities of login, signup, adding expenses, setting budget etc. A user can update the budget according to his requirements anytime and delete any of the expenses. User can also check remarks provided and pie-chart visualization for better experience.
New password is mailed in case a user forgets password. Name and password can be changed in the account settings.
Navigation Bar has been added for ease of navigation between pages along with source code hyperlink in the footer section.
The project has been deployed on Render .
You can visit the deployed website here -
Frontend is build with HTML, CSS & Javascript along with Bootstrap CSS.
Express framework is used for backend and MongoDB for database .
- HTML, CSS,Javascipt, Bootstrap
- NodeJs
- MongoDB
- Jwt Authentication
- ChartJs
- BcryptJs