Helping the Dragonhack organizers make good choices
To help the event organizers make the right choice picking out the teams that should go to the event, we decided to make a list of pros and cons for each one of our team members.
➕ I know how to use all important programming languages (Python)
➕ my sleep schedule is irregular so I won't even notice not sleeping for 24 hours
➕ I work better under pressure
➕ I planted a pineapple
➕ this will be my first hackathon, so I will have beginner's luck
➖ my hair color is very unpredictable
➖ I don't work when not under pressure
➖ I don't know how to use Eventbrite bots
➕ I can do embedded so you can be sure someone will sign up for the niche challenges
➕ spent 4 years at FRI so far so I can keep an interested facial expression no matter what’s going on
➕ I have 5 projects due the week after Dragonhack so you know I really want to be there
➖ I know so many programming languages but don’t know how to speak to people
➖ quit drinking for a year but then decided to go for a masters
➖ pretty tall so I stick out in pictures
➕ will not bother any of the company representatives because people scare me
➕ showered in the last 24h
➕ diversity
➖ will not talk to any of the company representatives because people scare me
➖ I have a macbook so I can’t run any software
➖ attended Dragonhack last year so if something goes wrong, I’ll notice
➕ I do uni assingments all day every day so a two-day hackathon is just an ordinary day for me
➕ I shower daily
➖ Can't spam F5 fast enough
➖ I understand computers more than people