😎 The mock server project demo from json-server. A project acts as a router for server as a endpoint for the same port, thus each project has their own custom routes for separation purpose.
Added in Faker to populate random data as convenience.
- Sorting: _sort, _order (optional)
- Searching: q
- Operators: _lte (less than equal), _gte (greater than equal), _ne (exclude), _like (like)
//Get age less than / equal 31
- Relationship: _embed (include children), _expand(include parent)
- Filter:
: indicates parameters and
Add & for following parameters
- Get whole database
- Get all
- Filter some posts
http://localhost:3000/meetingrooms?id=1 //return 1 item
http://localhost:3000/meetingrooms/employees?first=Nickolas&first=Rupert //return 2 items
- Search (q)
return all fields that has 'senior'
- Sorting (_sort & _order) Default order: ASC
*Note: Custom routes sorting is not returning right sequence
- Operators: _lte (less than equal), _gte (greater than equal), _ne (exclude), _like (like)
- Relationship: Get related records from the request To include children resources, add _embed To include parent resource, add _expand
http://localhost:3000/meetingrooms/employees/all with body:
"first": "Wonder",
"last": "Girl",
"phone": "239.933.1719",
"email": "[email protected]",
"level": "mid",
"age": 27,
"departmentId": 2
- A POST, PUT or PATCH request should include a Content-Type: application/json header to use the JSON in the request body. Otherwise it will result in a 200 OK but without changes being made to the data
- Does not support multiple entries
http://localhost:3000/meetingrooms/employees/:id with body:
"first": "Wonder",
"last": "Girl",
"phone": "239.933.1719",
"email": "[email protected]",
"level": "senior",
- A POST, PUT or PATCH request should include a Content-Type: application/json header to use the JSON in the request body. Otherwise it will result in a 200 OK but without changes being made to the data
- Does not support multiple entries
- Need to provide full entry
Note: Does not support multiple entries
//To set endpoint for meeting rooms
//Accessed all by Http://localhost:3000/meetingrooms/
"/meetingrooms/": "/",
"/meetingroomsDB/": "/db",
"/employees/all": "/employees/",
"/employeesLevel=:level": "/employees?level=:level",
"/employeesBelow30": "/employees?age_lte=31",
What I do if I started a new project?
- Copy sample folder - meetingRooms
- In server.js, add:
- var newProjectRouter = require(".//");
- server.use(newProjectRouter)
- In <newProjectRewriter.json>, change:
- "/newprojectendpoint/": "/"
- configure the rest of the APIs URL
If I want to test in my machine, how?
- Have the code in your machine
- node server.js
What is this json-server? 💁 https://github.com/typicode/json-server
It's better to have knowledge in :
- Node.js
- Express: https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html