A Chef Exception & Reporting Handler for Splunk.
See the splunk_handler Cookbook.
- Add the chef_handler Cookbook to a Node's Run List.
- Given a Splunk username as USER, password as PASS, and host name as HOST, create a Recipe similar to the one below:
include_recipe 'chef_handler'
gem_package('chef-handler-splunk'){action :nothing}.run_action(:install)
chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::SplunkHandler' do
action :enable
arguments ['username', 'password', 'host']
source File.join(Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-splunk/).first,
'chef', 'handler', 'splunk.rb')
Greg Albrecht mailto:[email protected]
Copyright 2012 Splunk Inc.
Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE.txt