A Full-Stack web developer ready for adventure
You can check out my portfolio here
- 🖥 Available for new job opportunities.
- 🌱 I’m currently working on React, Typescript and Nodejs
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: She/Her
* Full-stack Developer
* Front-end Developer
And if you're wondering what are the technologies I use:
const stack = ['JavaScript', 'ReactJS', 'TypeScript', 'Nodejs', 'Redux', 'Ruby', 'Ruby on Rails'];
Who said I don't test my code?? Here are the techs I use for testing:
const tests = ['Jest', 'React Testing Library', 'Chai', 'RSpec', 'Capybara'];
I use Linters? Sure. Check this out:
const myLinters = {
htmlCss: ['Lighthouse', 'Webhint', 'Stylelint'],
ruby: 'Rubocop',
javasctip: 'ESLint',
The tools I use? Here they are:
const tools = ['Git', 'Gitlab', 'GitHub', 'VSCode', 'Heroku', 'Netlify', 'DevTools', 'Figma'];
How did I learn coding?? Well, this is the story:
const education = {
Degree: 'Bachelor's of Arts'
Online_Courses: ['Udemy', 'freeCodeCamp', 'Frontend Masters', 'Go Rails']
Microverse: 'Full-time School'