1. Add a tag
constraint: title must be unique
description : Adds a tag in the collection
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/addTags
request format :
"title": "Search engine"
2. Add a bookmark
constraint: link must be unique
description : Adds a bookmark in the collection
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/addBookmark
request format :
"link": "https://www.youtube.com",
"title": "Youtube",
"publisher": "self"
3. Add tag to bookmark
constraint: tag must exist in the tags collection, bookmark must exist in the bookmarks collection
description : Adds a tag to a bookmark in the collection
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/addTagToBookmark
request format :
"tag": "games",
"bookmark": "www.google.com"
4. Get tags
constraint: Tags must exist in the database
description : Displays all the tags in the database
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/getTags
5. Get bookmarks
constraint: Bookmarks must exist in the database
description : Displays all the bookmarks in the database
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/getBookmarks
6. Remove a tag
constraint: tag must exist in the database
description : Removes a tag from the database
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/removeTags
request format :
"title":"email service"
7. Remove a bookmark
constraint: bookmark must exist in the database
description : Removes a bookmark from the database
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/removeBookmark
request format :
8. Remove a tag from a bookmark
constraint: tag must exist in database, bookmark must exist in db and tag must be attached to the bookmark
description : Removes a tag from the specified bookmark
url : https://triveous-test-api.herokuapp.com/removeTagFromBookmark
request format :
"tag": "games",
"bookmark": "www.google.com"