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amark edited this page Jun 14, 2011 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the mongous wiki! Please make this as resourceful as possible for people!

alangrus has provided the following example of mongous for node v0.4.8:

============== node_mongous.js file contents ===========================

// Alan Gruskoff, [email protected], May 2011
// Forming a web service listener via node for the mongous driver
// At a command line start the web server as: node node_mongous.js
// then, use this for your URL:<your database>&collection=<your collection>
// the doResponse function will parse the inbound request URL and dump the contents
// of each field of <your collection>, sending those contents to the console and
// back to the web page that called it.

// node utilities
Url = require("url");
Http = require("http");

// load mongous driver, adjust the path to mongous as needed.
var db = require('mongous').Mongous;

// get ready for ajax
var XMLHttpRequest = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest;

function doResponse( request, response ) {
       var theQuery = Url.parse(request.url, true);
       var qStuff = "";
       var qArray = theQuery.query;

       // The find syntax is expecting an object of fields to display
       var field_list = {};

       // the (i) value is the index of the array's keys, can be a string
       for (var i in qArray) {
     qStuff += i + '=' + qArray[i] + " ";
       var database      = qArray.database;
       if ( database == null ) { database = 'test';  }
       var collection_id = qArray.collection;

       console.log('Server received request: ' + request.method + ' ' + qStuff + ' ' + theQuery.pathname);

       db(database + "." + collection_id).find({}, {}, function(reply){
               // resultText holds the text of the reply content
               var resultText = "";

               // reply.documents is a JSON object we will now loop through to parse
               for (var idx in reply.documents) {
                       resultText += "\nmongo doc " + idx + ") ";
                       var curObj = reply.documents[idx];
                       for (var i in curObj) {
                               line = curObj[i];
                               // with this driver, _id returns a binary object that needs to be parsed.
                               line = JSON.stringify( curObj[i] );
                               resultText += i + " = " + line + "\n";

               console.log("MongoDB reply=" + resultText);
               // HTTP Header is optional
               response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
               response.write( resultText );

Http.createServer(function (request, response) {
       doResponse( request, response );

console.log('node mongous Server running at');
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