Bigdata Analytics using Yelp API
Dataset Description:
The dataset comprises of three csv files, namely user.csv, business.csv and review.csv. Note that some of the content, such as id fields are encoded. Note that the files are separated by "^" character.
Business.csv file contain basic information about local businesses. Business.csv file contains the following columns "business_id","full_address","categories" 'business_id': (a unique identifier for the business) 'full_address': (localized address), 'categories': [(localized category names)]
Review.csv file contains the star rating given by a user to a business. Use user_id to associate this review with others by the same user. Use business_id to associate this review with others of the same business. review.csv file contains the following columns "review_id","user_id","business_id","stars" 'review_id': (a unique identifier for the review) 'user_id': (the identifier of the reviewed business), 'business_id': (the identifier of the authoring user), 'stars': (star rating, integer 1-5),the rating given by the user to a business
user.csv file contains aggregate information about a single user across all of Yelp user.csv file contains the following columns "user_id","name","url" user_id': (unique user identifier), 'name': (first name, last initial, like 'Matt J.'), this column has been made anonymous to preserve privacy 'url': url of the user on yelp