Welcome to the CDM Service Framework.
CDM Service Framework provides easy methods to implement CDM controllee and controller applications. CDM Service Framework is based on AJTCL v16.04.
cdm_tcl +---inc | \---interfaces | +---environment | +---input | \---operation +---samples | +---common | +---inc | +---IntegratedControllee | +---Laundry | +---Test | \---VendorDefinedInterfaces \---src +---CdmControllee \---interfaces +---environment +---input \---operation
- cdm_tcl/inc: header files
- cdm_tcl/inc/interfaces: interface related header files
- cdm_tcl/sampls/common: source files for device sample (AppHandler, PropertyStore)
- cdm_tcl/sampls/inc: header files for device sample (AppHandler, PropertyStore)
- cdm_tcl/samples/IntegratedControllee : integrated controllee
- cdm_tcl/samples/Laundry : laundry sample
- cdm_tcl/samples/Test: test sample for making other device sample
- cdm_tcl/src/CdmControllee: controllee source files
- cdm_tcl/src/interface: interface related source files
You can build CDM Service Framework using 'scons'. Please refer to AllJoyn Build Instruction for more details on setting up your environment.
- Folder structure
root-source-dir +---core | \---ajtcl \---services +---base_tcl +---cdm \---cdm_tcl
- Build
cd root-source-dir/core/ajtcl scons TARG=linux WS=off VARIANT=debug cd root-source-dir/services/base_tcl scons TARG=linux WS=off VARIANT=debug cd root-source-dir/services/cdm_tcl scons TARG=linux WS=off VARIANT=debug
- Output
cdm_tcl +---build \---dist +---bin +---include \---lib
- bin : TestSample
- lib : libajtcl_cdm.a, libajtcl_cdm.so
- inc : header files
- Make manual
cd root-source-dir/services/cdm_tcl/docs doxygen Doxygen_html