What's Changed
- Ensured compatibility of the extension with Magento 2.4.6 with PHP 8.2
- Addressed dependency when pushing data to Algolia to ensure that the pricing records are in place.
- Enforce RequireJS for all JavaScript libraries to ensure proper dependency loading order
- Added support for Algolia Query Suggestions
- Added new frontend events for Autocomplete v1 (afterAutocompleteSources and afterAutocompletePlugins)
- Removed the indexing of out-of-stock options for configurable products from algolia config and instead utilize Magento's out-of-stock settings to determine how products are displayed and indexed.
- Introduced enhanced logging for indexing Queue
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with empty rangeSlider on instant search page
- Updated code to fix the autocomplete position during click events.
- Fixed Bundle product add to cart issue for instant search page with default selected options.
- Addressed missing category data for products when the "show_cats_not_included_in_navigation" option is enabled.
- Fixed rating_summary issue with null values on the instant search page has been fixed.
- Added condition to handle algoliaConfig variable if search disabled from admin
Full Changelog: 3.10.2...3.10.3