Releases: algenty/grafana-flowcharting
Releases · algenty/grafana-flowcharting
[0.9.0] - 2020-05-31
- CSV Format support for flowchart source (
- New aggregation : Time of last point
- New fill Method : Gradient (See example)
- Graph hover support (See example)
- Better rendering of color animation with chroma-js
- New Events/Animations Mapping :
- Modify Gradient direction
- Modify Arrow start and end connectors (See example)
- Flip shape horizontally or vertically
- Resize shape in percent (See example)
- Flow animation (experimental, not work with a shadow on arrow)
- New homepage schema
- Support external fonts like google fonts (See example)
- New anonymizer feature in inspect section to share the diagrams without sensible data (See example)
- Fixed : Flowchart grid display
- Fixed : background color field in edit mode
- Fixed : Blink event
- Fixed : Overflow on grafana v7 (issue #172)
[0.8.0] - 2020-05-02
- Add Identification by Value/lable in field 'what' in rules (experimental)
- Upgrade libs (13.0.1)
- Add option to disable regex/eval for more efficient.
- Add 2 new color modes in Color mapping section :
- "Label background"
- "Label borber"
- Add Execution times stats to optimize rules.
- Foldable container without disable lock.
- Add New custom variables for supported fields (Text Mapping 'with', Link Mapping 'Url' and Event Mapping 'Value'):
- ${_value} : raw value
- ${_formatted} : formatted value
- ${_level} : current level
- ${_rule} : name of current rule
- Add New Feature : Events / Animations Mapping, according the level (See example)
- Change shapes form
- Change size, opacity, rotation, ...
- Hide/Blink shapes
- And more...
- Log scale, thanks Dennis (issue #68)
- shape stills select when deleting map.
- select list (typeahead) in fields 'whats' and map values for string type in rules
- Level State with range or value mapping.
- Lock always true in flowchart option (issue #138)
- Fix Remove link
- Fix range value Min and Max range when 'from' or 'to' is empty
- Fix 'With' field in text mapping, empty after clone or save/reload
[0.6.1] - 2020-01-15
- Fix endless loading when edit graph (issue #102)
- Fix error on edit mode for timeserie (issue #100)
- Fix "Apply button" in inspect mode (issue #104)
[0.6.0 SNAPSHOT] - 2019-12-20
- Experimental implementation for table type data (Mysql, Postgres, Zabbix, Streaming, loki and other ...)
- PlaceHolder feature supported see doc from
- Some optimization on :
- tooltips
- States
- Tooltip Graph :
- Histogram (See example)
- Variables support in download input url (See example)
- Add graduate animation when color changed (See example)
- New rule design in editor (See example)
- Typescript migration for best quality code.
- Build migration to grafana-toolkit (thanks Dominik and Ryan).
- New engine graph for best compatibility with
- Better Zoom for firefox and IE/edge.
- Add checks/controls on edit mode for XML and URL.
- Regular expression for String type values implemented to define level state.
- Fix download url on first load.
- Fix value null for string (issue #65)
- Fix bug "subways" Editor (issue #73)
- Fix date on 2 digit in tooltip (issue #77)
- Fix minors bug.
[0.5.0] - 2019-10-17
- 2 new modes for "Update text value" (See example)
- Append (Space) : Concat metrics with a space as a separator
- Append (New line) : Concat metrics with a line break
- Variabilization in "Url" for link mapping (See example)
- New check box to allow download images from (See example)
- New editor option :
- Choose other editor like internal website
- Choose the theme of editor
- New identification mode for shapes when mouse cursor is over the rules or the mapping (See example)
- Support Dynamic shapes like Floorplan, isometric plans and more (See example)
- New color mode for no SVG object like pictures/cliparts/images (See example)
- Graphs in tooltip (See example)
- Color graph with defined colors in threshold
- Size of graph (See example)
- Scale of graph (Y-min and Y-max)
- Define the orientation in tooltip for each metrics/graph in tooltips : horizontal or vertical (See example)
- Some optimizations, Display is twice as fast on load.
- Fix color to reset when "Color on" is "Always/Critical" and metric is OK
- Fix border to empty instead black when "color mode" is "Fill" (issue #24)
- Fix error when "Value On" is not "When metric displayed"
- Fix Link (issue #37)
- Fix hyperlink text appears in white over flowchart (issue #45)
- Fix "Multiple FlowCharts On a Dashboard", when edit, both are the same draw (issue #48)
- Fix options after reload or variable changed (issue #44)
- Fix auto reset zoom/unzoom when data refreshed, only ESC or change options on flowchart reset zoom now (issue #38)
- Fix error for BPNM shapes (Issue #51)
- Fix display when center and scale are checked on flowchart options.
- Fix Zoom with mouse wheel for firefox and Edge.
[0.3.0] - 2019-05-07
[0.3.0] - 2019-05-07
/!\ Possible breaking change with 0.2.0 and 0.2.5 but it will compatible with next release.
- Migration process for next release.
- Dynamic documentation/Examples on popover (thx SCHKN)
- Params link option, add params of dashboard to link.
- Full review of code (ES6 Class mode)
- Unit test with jest to increase quality
- Fill/text/stoke rules on the same object is possible.
- Mapping selector helper (chain in mapping)
- Icon overlay state (display icon warning when NOK)
- Implemented the conditions to display text according to the states.
- new inspect Tab with :
- Renamer ID (double click on ID)
- State status
- Debug mode
- Custom Link Mapping overrite.
- Substring replace on text (Issue #8)
- Editor object not found Exception (Issue #1)
- Original Link (Issue #9)
- Fixed Change the colors (Issue #14)
- Fixed Unit (Issue #12)
[0.2.5] - 2019-04-19
- Mapping Helper for select object with mouse
Bug Fix + Mapping helper
- Bugs fix
- Mapping Helper to select objet for mapping
0.2 Mapping and editor throught
New features :
- Mappings color and text
- Open editor on
- String mapping (range and text value)
Not work :
- Link
- tooltips
- Alias name in text
initial version
This is the first version
only display graph from xml source (in, select menu > extra > edit diagram)