A decentralized password, private data and files manager. This DAPP is being developed to bring privacy back to society. It is decentralized and encrypted end to end, which means all of your data can only be seen from your end. It generates a private key, which can be used to authenticate yourself and authorize all of the actions on your account. Much like a cryptocurrency wallet.
This project was built in React, and is using web3.storage IPFS provider and w3name naming system. Feel free to make any proposals and helping us making the world a more private place! ❤️
You can view the current launched app on https://hello.storage/beta
To start, you should clone the project
git clone https://github.com/alexanderbkl/hello.storage.git
Go to the downloaded folder
cd .hello
Install all the necessary packages
npm install
Go to Constants.js located at the src folder of the project, and add your web3.storage API token. https://web3.storage/tokens/
Finally, start the project!
npm start
We are fundraising for our startup hello.storage and this is just a small glimpse that I built in a weekend to get an idea for investments.
All the changes that we need to implement, any contribution will be much appreciated as the only one developing this project is currently me:
❌Responsive frontend, adapt to PC and mobile.
❌Cross browser compatibility, especially IOS (main problem is blob files localy generated aren't downloaded).
❌React Native implementation (again, main problem are blob files).