With the Catalog Explorer Skill Component, you can enable users of your skill to easily search, navigate, select items, get properties, and perform actions through a catalog of items you provide. To use the Alexa Skill components, sign up for the developer preview. We actively update these components and look forward to improving them with your feedback. To get the latest version, check back here often.
Note: Alexa Skill Components are provided as a pre-production alpha release in developer preview, with limited support. Our goal is to solicit feedback on our approach and design as we work toward general availability. While we make every effort to minimize issues with this pre-production alpha release, we can't promise backward compatibility or a rapid turn-around on bug fixes.
To reduce your development time, Alexa Skill Components are consistent with user experience best practices. The Catalog Explorer Skill Component lets users of your skill browse a catalog of items (books, movies, news articles, or recipes, for example). Users can search for, navigate through, and get details about catalog items. When they find an item of interest, they can take some action, such as buy, watch, or send to phone.
Are you building an app in which your users search for or select items while navigating through a catalog? Do you want users to follow up on item's specific details and perform actions on the item? Use the pre-built interaction patterns within the Catalog Explorer Skill Component to build out and customize such interactions.
Following is an example skill interaction that shows different paths a component user might follow. These scenarios are taken taken from the included Book Recommendation example skill.
User > Recommend a book by Stephen King.
Alexa > How about The Shining, by Stephen King, Under the Dome, by Stephen King, or It, by Stephen King?
User > Recommend me a fantasy book by JK Rowling.
Alexa > How about Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows, by JK Rowling?
User > Recommend a book by Stephen King.
Alexa > How about The Shining, by Stephen King, Under the Dome, by Stephen King, or It, by Stephen King?
User > I also want the book to be in the horror genre.
Alexa > How about The Shining, by Stephen King, It, by Stephen King, or Pet Sematary, by Stephen King?
User > Recommend a book for me.
Alexa > How about The Shining, by Stephen King, Dune, by Frank Herbert, or Hyperion, by Dan Simmons?
User > Next.
Alexa > How about The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks, The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, or A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin?
User > Go back.
Alexa > How about The Shining, by Stephen King, Dune, by Frank Herbert, or Hyperion, by Dan Simmons?
User > Recommend a book.
Alexa > How about The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks, The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, or A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin?
User > The second one.
Alexa > The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, is a fantasy novel. Here's a summary: A hobbit, a wizard, and some dwarves go on an adventure.
User > Recommend a book.
Alexa > How about The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks, The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, or A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin?
User > The second one.
Alexa > The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, is a fantasy novel. Here's a summary: A hobbit, a wizard, and some dwarves go on an adventure.
User > What's the format?
Alexa > The format is audio.
User > Recommend a book.
Alexa > How about The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks, The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, or A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin?
User > The second one.
Alexa > The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, is a fantasy novel. Here's a summary: A hobbit, a wizard, and some dwarves go on an adventure.
User > Save it for later.
Alexa > I saved the book for later.
- Step 1: Learn about Alexa Skill Components
- Step 2: Install the Catalog Explorer component
- Step 3: Call the reusable dialog
- Step 4: Create a custom type
- Step 5: Create events, actions, and dialogs
- Step 6: Create main dialog
- Step 7: Configure InteractionModel
- Step 8: Set up API handlers
- Step 9: Initialize CatalogReference
- Step 10: Compile and deploy
- Step 11: Test
- Step 12: Iterate
Read the Skill Components Getting Started Guide. If you're unfamiliar with skill development, the following example skills are a good starting place:
The next step is to install the Catalog Explorer Skill Component in your skill. If a package.json
file doesn't already exist in the skill's root directory, create one with the following command.
npm init
Install the Catalog Explorer component from either the public release or a local build of the component.
In your skill's root directory, install using npm
npm install --save @alexa-skill-components/catalog-explorer
npm install
Then install the component as a dependency in your API code (lambda).
npm install --save @alexa-skill-components/catalog-explorer
npm install
In a separate directory from your skill, build the Catalog Explorer component from source code.
git clone [email protected]:alexa/skill-components.git
cd skill-components
cd catalog-explorer
npm run clean-build
Then, in your skill's root directory, use npm
to install the local build.
npm install --save "<path>/skill-components/catalog-explorer"
npm install
Also install the component as a dependency in your API code (lambda):
npm install --save "<path>/skill-components/catalog-explorer"
npm install
Import and call the Alexa Conversations Description Language (ACDL) reusable dialog. The dialog is provided by this component from your skill's own custom sample dialogs. Provide required arguments that describe how to notify the user of a prior API result while requesting feedback.
Import the component's reusable dialogs and types into your skill's ACDL.
namespace skill.book.recommendation
import com.amazon.alexa.skill.components.catalog_explorer.*
import com.amazon.alexa.skill.components.catalog_explorer.types.*
Create custom types for the catalog item. For an example, see the BookRecommendation sample skill.
type BookItem {
String title
String genre
String author
String format
String summary
String label
Create a custom type search to find search conditions that contain all the properties might exist in the search events.
type SearchConditions {
optional AUTHOR author
optional GENRE genre
optional FORMAT format
Create events, actions, and dialogs for the following components.
Add examples of typical utterances for a search, containing the slot types for each combination of search conditions.
searchEvent = utterances<SearchConditions>([
"What should I read next?",
"Recommend a book to me",
"Recommend a book by {author}",
"Recommend a {genre} book",
"Recommend a {genre} book by {author}",
"What is a good book on {format}?",
"Recommend a {genre} book by {author} on {format}"
Create the action called when a search utterance is detected.
action RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> search_new(optional AUTHOR author, optional GENRE genre, optional FORMAT format, optional CatalogReference catalogRef)
Create anonymous dialogs to be passed in to the Catalog Explorer component for different variations of each search event. Be sure to cover all the variations that occur in the utterance set.
dialog RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> searchApiAdaptor(SearchConditions searchConditions, optional CatalogReference catalogRef) {
sample {
search(searchConditions.author, searchConditions.genre, searchConditions.format, catalogRef)
dialog RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> searchApiVariationsAdaptor(SearchConditions searchConditions, optional CatalogReference catalogRef) {
sample {
search(author = searchConditions.author, catalogRef = catalogRef)
sample {
search(genre = searchConditions.genre, catalogRef = catalogRef)
sample {
search(format = searchConditions.format, catalogRef = catalogRef)
sample {
search(genre = searchConditions.genre, author = searchConditions.author, catalogRef = catalogRef)
Create a set of typical navigation utterances users might try.
nextEvent = utterances<Nothing>([
"next one",
"next item",
"show me another one",
"show me more"
prevEvent = utterances<Nothing>([
"previous one",
"previous one, please",
"go back",
"show me the previous one"
// first, second, third, etc: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/slot-type-reference.html#ordinal
selectByOrdinalEvent = utterances<OrdinalSlotWrapper>([
"show item view on the {ordinal} one",
"show me more about the {ordinal} one",
"show me the {ordinal} one",
"show me the {ordinal}",
"the {ordinal}",
// number one, two, three, etc: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/slot-type-reference.html#number
selectByIndexEvent = utterances<IndexSlotWrapper>([
"show item view on number {index}",
"show me more about number {index}",
"show me number {index}",
"number {index}",
Create the action called when a navigation utterance is detected.
action RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> getPage(SearchConditions searchConditions, Optional<String> pageToken, optional CatalogReference catalogRef)
action RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> selectItemApi(SearchConditions searchConditions, Page<BookItem> page, Number index, optional CatalogReference catalogRef)
Create typical dialogs users might try to call in built-in search paths based on the number of search events declared in the skill. Be sure to update N
with the number of search events defined in the skill.
dialog RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> allSearchPathsAdaptor(PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, BookItem> config, optional CatalogReference catalogRef) {
sample {
allSearchPaths_{N}(config, catalogRef)
dialog RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> baseSearchPathsAdaptor(PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, BookItem> config, optional CatalogReference catalogRef) {
sample {
baseSearchPaths_{N}(config, catalogRef)
Create a set of utterances users might try in order to accept or reject an offer.
yesEvent = utterances<Nothing>([
"yes", "yeah", "sure", "that would be good"
noEvent = utterances<Nothing>([
"no", "nah", "nope", "not feeling it"
Create the action called when an "accept" utterance is detected.
action CatalogOfferResult acceptAction(List<BookItem> books, ProactiveOffer offer, optional CatalogReference catalogRef)
Note: Common "deny" utterances, such as "no" and "nope," work correctly only if you override the built-in simulator handling for the deployed skill.
Create a set of utterances users might try in order to follow up on properties.
titlePropertyEvent = utterances<Nothing>([
"What is the title?",
"What is it called?",
"what's the name of the book?",
"what's the name?",
"tell me the title"
Create the action called when a follow-up utterance is detected
action PropertyValueResult getProperty_title(BookItem book, optional CatalogReference catalogRef)
Create anonymous dialogs to be passed in to the component for different follow-up variations. Be sure to update N
with the number of properties the skill follows up on (properties for which utterance sets are defined).
dialog RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> allFollowUpPathsAdaptor(PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, BookItem> config, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, BookItem> priorResult, optional CatalogReference catalogRef) {
sample {
allFollowUpPaths_{N}(config, priorResult, catalogRef)
Create a set of utterances users might try in order to make a purchase.
purchaseActionEvent = utterances<Nothing>([
"buy it",
"get it for me"
Create the action called when a follow-up utterance is detected.
action CatalogActionResult performAction_Purchase(BookItem book, optional CatalogReference catalogRef)
Create anonymous dialogs to be passed in to the component for different variations of an action event. Be sure to update this N
with the number of actions performed in the skill (actions for which utterance set are defined).
dialog CatalogActionResult allCatalogActionPathsAdaptor(PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, BookItem> config, List<BookItem> items, optional CatalogReference catalogRef) {
sample {
allCatalogActionPaths_{N}(config, items, catalogRef)
dialog MainDialog{
sample {
newSearch = buildSearchPattern<SearchConditions, BookItem>(
searchEvent = searchEvent,
searchApiRef = search_new,
searchApiAdaptor = searchApiAdaptor,
searchApiVariationsAdaptor = searchApiVariationsAdaptor
searchPatterns = [
//Add all other search dialogs to be used in skill
navigationConfig = buildNavigationConfig<SearchConditions, BookItem>(
nextEvent = nextEvent,
prevEvent = prevEvent,
getPageApi = getPage,
selectByOrdinalEvent = selectByOrdinalEvent,
selectByIndexEvent = selectByIndexEvent,
selectItemApi = selectItemApi
catalogOffers = buildCatalogOffers<SearchConditions, BookItem>(
acceptEvent = yesEvent,
acceptAction = acceptAction,
denyEvent = noEvent
titleProperty = buildCatalogProperty<BookItem>(
getValueEvent = titlePropertyEvent,
getValueApi = getProperty_title,
catalogProperties = [
//Add all other follow-up property configurations to be used in skill
purchaseAction = buildCatalogAction<BookItem>(
actionEvent = purchaseActionEvent,
performApi = performAction_Purchase
catalogActions = [
//Add all other perform action configurations to be used in skill
//Build the main configuration object passed into the component
config = buildCatalogConfig<SearchConditions, BookItem>(
result = exploreCatalog<SearchConditions, BookItem>(config)
Add all the possible slots types and slot values for the Search Conditions in the InteractionModel of the skill.
"interactionModel": {
"languageModel": {
"types": [
"name": "GENRE",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "romance",
"synonyms": [
"lovey dovey"
"name": {
"value": "horror",
"synonyms": [
"name": "AUTHOR",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "Author1"
"name": {
"value": "Author2"
"name": "FORMAT",
"values": [
"name": {
"value": "electronic reader",
"synonyms": [
"E reader"
"name": {
"value": "physical",
"synonyms": [
Import and register the request handlers provided by the component into the skill's API code (where it will live along with the skill's other request handlers).
import { CatalogExplorer } from
export const skillDomain = "skill.book.recommendation";
export const handler = SkillBuilders.custom()
For an example, see Example skill.
const CatalogExplorer = require('@alexa-skill-components/catalog-explorer')
export const skillDomain = "skill.book.recommendation";
exports.handler = Alexa.SkillBuilders.custom()
Make sure to initialize the CatalogReference before the component is invoked. Refer to the reference doc for initializing CatalogProvider while building Catalog Reference.
import { CatalogExplorer, FixedProvider} from
const pageSize = 3; //represents the number of items to be displayed in the search result.
new FixedProvider(data), //implements CatalogProvider interface
import { CatalogExplorer,
FixedProvider} = require('@alexa-skill-components/catalog-explorer')
const pageSize = 3; //represents the number of items to be displayed in the search result.
new FixedProvider(data), //implements CatalogProvider interface
Build your skill as you normally would. The component's dialog samples and API handlers, which were integrated into the skill, are built along with your skill's own custom dialog samples and handlers. Note that an Alexa Conversations skill deployment can take 20-40 minutes to complete.
Note: Make sure the ask-cli-x and @alexa/acdl packages are up to date.
askx compile && askx deploy
To use the CLI to test your component, enter the following command. Alternatively, use the Alexa Skills Kit Developer Console (click the Test tab) to simulate your skill's behavior.
askx dialog -s <YOUR_SKILL_ID> -l en-US -g development
After testing the default behavior of the component, see the Reference document for available customization to suit your needs. For details, see the Example Skills.
Deploy any changes, compile your code, and then deploy again.
askx compile && askx deploy
For an example skill, see BookRecommendation.
The Catalog Explorer component has certain limitations.
- No nore than 3 unique search events can be defined in the skill.
- No nore than 10 action events can be performed on a selected catalog item.
- No nore than 10 properties can be followed up.
- The actions defined for getting properties must be named in a specific way namely - getProperty_{propertyName} - eg. getProperty_title, getProperty_genre etc.
- The actions defined for performing action after an item selection must be named in a specific way namely - performAction_{actionName} - eg. performAction_Purchase, performAction_SendToPhone etc.
- The actions defined for various search events must be named in a specific way namely - search_{eventType} eg. - search_new, search_refine.
- The component behaviour could be affected if
flag is set to false, due to issues with passing data in API arguments between turns.
Amazon welcomes your feedback. Connect with us on Github.