Reusable dialog that supports a user to explorer a catalog.
- The type of each item in the list
- A type which has properties on the basis of which the user can perform search.
CatalogConfig<SearchConditions, Item> config
(required)- Configuration on which events/utterance sets and responses to use in the generated samples, see
dialog for how to build a config object
- Configuration on which events/utterance sets and responses to use in the generated samples, see
CatalogReference catalogRef
(optional)- Reference to list to allow user to search, navigate, etc. through it.
which has CatalogActionResult
which returns what action was performed and Item
which returns what item was selected.
Used to build the configuration that can be passed into exploreCatalog; all config properties have defaults specified where possible, though APIs that utilize generic parameters must be specified by caller due to limitations in ACDL.
- The type of each item in the list
- A type which has properties on the basis of which the user can perform search.
List<SearchPattern<SearchConditions, Item>> searchPatterns
(required)- List of all search patterns which are build using
builder dialog.
- List of all search patterns which are build using
NavigationConfig<SearchConditions,Item> navConfig
(required)- NavigationConfig object which is build using
builder dialog. Consist of events, actions, responses for navigation
- NavigationConfig object which is build using
List<CatalogProperty<Item>> properties
(required)- List of all catalog properties which are build using
builder dialog
- List of all catalog properties which are build using
List<CatalogAction<Item>> catalogActions
(required)- List of all catalog actions which are build using
builder dialog.
- List of all catalog actions which are build using
CatalogOffers<SearchConditions, Item> offers
(required)- CatalogOffers object which is build using
builder dialog. Consist of events, actions, responses for offers
- CatalogOffers object which is build using
Dialog2<PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, Item>, Optional<CatalogReference>, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item> > allSearchPaths
(required)- constructed by the user in their skill. It should just call the allSearchPaths_{N}(PropertyConfig, CatalogReference) where N = no. of search events
- Arguments:
PropertyConfig config
: config object which consists of list of search events, navConfig, list of catalog properties, list of catalog actions and offers object.CatalogReference catalogRef
: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Dialog2<PropertyConfig<SearchConditions,Item>, Optional<CatalogReference>,RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>> baseSearchPaths
(required)- constructed by the user in their skill. It should just call the baseSearchPaths_N(PropertyConfig, CatalogReference) where N= no. of search paths
- Arguments:
PropertyConfig config
: config object which consists of list of search paths, navConfig, list of catalog properties, list of catalog actions and offers object.CatalogReference catalogRef
: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Dialog3<PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, Item>, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>, Optional<CatalogReference>, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>> allFollowUpPaths
(required)- constructed by the user in their skill. It should just call the allFollowUpPaths_N(PropertyConfig, RecommendationResult, CatalogReference) where N= no. of follow-ups paths.
- Arguments:
PropertyConfig config
: config object which consists of list of search paths, navConfig, list of catalog properties, list of catalog actions and offers object.RecommendationResult result
: The result of recommended items received as a result after navigation is passed into follow ups for further processing.CatalogReference catalogRef
: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Dialog3<PropertyConfig<SearchConditions, Item>, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>, Optional<CatalogReference>, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>> allCatalogActionPaths
(required)- constructed by the user in their skill. It should just call the allCatalogActionPaths_N(PropertyConfig, RecommendationResult, CatalogReference) where N= no. of actions.
- Arguments:
PropertyConfig config
: config object which consists of list of search paths, navConfig, list of catalog properties, list of catalog actions and offers object.RecommendationResult result
: The result of recommended items received as a result after navigation is passed into follow ups for further processing.CatalogReference catalogRef
: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Used to build the catalog action object which is passed in catalog config object.
- Item
- The type of each item in the list
- Event actionEvent (required)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to perform the action which will then trigger the performApi action.
- Action2<List,Optional,CatalogActionResult>performApi (required)
- Action which is triggered by the actionEvent. Consists of the logic which is needed to perform that action.
- The actions defined for performing action after an item selection must be named in a specific way - performAction_{actionName}. For example, performAction_Purchase, performAction_SendToPhone etc.
- Arguments:
- List items : List of items which the user needs to explore.
- CatalogReference catalogRef: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: CatalogActionResult which consists of what action was performed and Item which returns what item was selected.
- Response notifyResultResponse (optional)
- Response to notify about the action result. This can be overridden. The component consist of default response.
Used to build the navigation object which is passed in catalog config object.
- Item
- The type of each item in the list
- SearchConditions
- A type which has properties on the basis of which the user can perform search.
Event nextEvent (optional)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to navigate next.
Event prevEvent (optional)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to previous next.
Action3<SearchConditions,Optional,Optional,RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>> getPageApi (required)
- Action which is triggered by the nextEvent or prevEvent Consist of the logic which is needed to perform that action.
- Arguments:
- SearchConditions : Condition on the basis of which api will fetch the right page
- Optional: Option to pass the page token
- Optional : Reference to list to allow user to search, navigate, etc. through it.
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Response presentPageResponse (required)
- Response to present a page of recommendation result while navigating through the catalog
Event selectByOrdinalEvent (optional)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to select by ordinal (for example. first, second...)
Eventvent selectByIndexEvent (optional)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to select by index (for example. one, two...)
Action4<SearchConditions,Page,NUMBER,Optional,RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>> selectItemApi (required)
- Action which is triggered by the selectByOrdinalEvent or selectByIndexEvent. Consist of the logic which is needed to perform that action.
- Arguments:
- SearchConditions : Condition on the basis of which api will fetch the right page
- Page: Page of items which has to be presented as result
- NUMBER: Index of the selected item.
- CatalogReference catalogRef: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Used to build the catalog property object which is passed in catalog config object.
- Item
- The type of each item in the list
- Event getValueEvent (required)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to get value of a particular property
- Action2<List,Optional,PropertyValueResult>getValueApi (required)
- Action which is triggered by the getValueEvent. Consists of the logic which is needed to get the value of the mentioned property
- The actions defined for getting properties must be named in a specific way - getProperty_{propertyName}. For example, getProperty_title, getProperty_genre etc.
- Arguments:
- List items : List of items which the user needs to explore.
- CatalogReference catalogRef: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: PropertyValueResult which consists of what property was asked and what’s is value was.
- Response notifyValueResponse (optional)
- Response to notify about the action result. This can be overridden. The component consist of default response.
Used to build the catalog property object which is passed in catalog config object.
- Item
- The type of each item in the list
- Event acceptEvent (required)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to accept the offer.
- Event denyEvent (required)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to deny the offer.
Action3<List,ProactiveOffer,Optional,CatalogOfferResult> acceptAction (required)
* Action which is triggered by the acceptEvent. Consist of the logic which is needed to performed when the offer is accepted.
* Arguments:
* List items : List of items which the user needs to explore.
* ProactiveOffer : Consist of properties on which user can give hints.
* CatalogReference catalogRef: Reference to the catalog of items
* Returns: CatalogOfferResult which consists of what was offered and was it accepted or not.
- Response acceptResponse (optional)
- Response which is sent when the offer is accepted.
Used to build the search pattern object which is passed in catalog config object.
* Item
* The type of each item in the list
* SearchConditions
* A type which has properties on the basis of which the user can perform search.
Event searchEvent (required)
- Set of utterances which will be said by the user to perform search
Action searchApiRef (required)
- Reference of the action which is triggered by the searchEvent. Consists of the logic which is needed to perform the search.
- The search actions must be named in this format - search_{eventType}. Action name ending with
will trigger a new search and the action name ending with_refine
will trigger the refine search.
Dialog2<SearchConditions, Optional, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item> > searchApiAdaptor (required)
- constructed by the user to search on the basis of all search conditions. It calls the searchApiRef action and passes all searchConditions as arguments.
- Arguments:
- SearchConditions : Condition on the basis of which api will fetch the right page
- CatalogReference catalogRef: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Dialog2<SearchConditions, Optional, RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item> > searchApiVariationsAdaptor (required)
- constructed by the user to search on the basis of all search conditions. It calls the searchApiRef action and passes all searchConditions as arguments.
- Arguments:
- SearchConditions : Condition on the basis of which api will fetch the right page
- CatalogReference catalogRef: Reference to the catalog of items
- Returns: RecommendationResult which consists of recommended items after search.
Response searchResponse (optional)
- Response which consists of the search result.
Main static interface to catalog explorer component on API side.
static useSession: boolean
- whether to rely on session (instead of API arguments) to pass data between turns (CatalogReference and page token).
- Note: this can be used to work around issues with incorrect/unexpected data being passed into API calls between turns in some navigation interactions and use cases; will no longer be needed if data passing issues can be resolved.
- Currently, defaults to
static buildCatalogReference
- build a catalog reference instance for a given catalog provider instance.
- Arguments:
handlerInput: HandlerInput
: HandlerInput instance for the current API request, needed to store state into current session.catalogProvider: CatalogProvider<any,any>
: CatalogProvider instance for the catalog to build a reference for.pageSize: number
: Number of items that should be in each page when navigating through catalog; defaults to 3.
- Returns: constructed catalog reference instance
static createHandlers
- creates all Alexa RequestHandler instances that need to be registered in a skill's API endpoint for catalog explorer component to work correctly.
- Arguments:
getPageApiName: string
: fully qualified name (FQN, including namespace) of the getPageApi passed into buildNavigationConfig in ACDLselectItemApiName: string
: FQN of the selectItemApi passed into buildNavigationConfig in ACDLsearchApiName: string
: FQN of the searchApi passed into buildNavigationConfig in ACDLgetPropertyApiName: string
: FQN of the getPropertyApi passed into buildNavigationConfig in ACDLperformActionApi: string
: FQN of the performActionApi passed into buildNavigationConfig in ACDLacceptOfferApiName: string
: FQN of the acceptOfferApi passed into buildNavigationConfig in ACDL
- Returns: array of constructed handlers
Interface every catalog provider must adhere to, contains methods used by catalog explorer handlers when exploring a catalog
- SearchConditions: type of search conditions object which will be used for searching in the catalog
- Item: type of each item in the catalog the provider handles
performSearch( searchConditions: SearchConditions, pageSize: number ): RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>
- search for the given search conditions and get a page of items for the given page size.
getRecommendationsPage( searchConditions: SearchConditions, pageSize: number, pageToken: PageToken | undefined, pagingDirection: PagingDirection ): RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>
- get a page of items for the given search conditions, page token, page size and paging direction; an undefined page token is a request for the first page of items.
selectItem( currentPage: Page<Item>, index: number ): RecommendationResult<SearchConditions, Item>
- called to select item from the given current page of items through the given index.
getProperty( item: Item, propertyName: string): PropertyResult
- called to get the details for a given property name for the given item
performAction( item: Item, actionName: string): string
- perform action on the selected item.
serialize(): any
- called to serialize any state needed by a catalog provider instance; this state will be passed into the catalog provider's deserializer on the next API call.
getName(): string
- unique name for a catalog provider type; used to find the deserilizer for a catalog provider in the CatalogProviderRegistry.
Catalog provider for a fixed/static catalog of items; useful for testing, debugging, or real use cases utilising a fixed catalog; each page token is simply a reference to the index of the first item in the page being requested.
list: Item[]
: list to be provided
Note: The below constructor arguments are required to maintain the provider state between turns and are not needed to be provided by the user
seenList: Item[]
: list of items which have been shown to the user in the current sessionprevPageLength: number
: number of items in the previously displayed page
The FixedProvider class can be extended by the skill developer to override the existing methods as per the requirements of the skill: The getName and deserialize functions have to be overridden by the skill developer in a similar fashion as below for the custom provider to perform as expected. The custom provider has to be registered in the CatalogProviderRegistry.
import {FixedProvider, CatalogProviderRegistry, ProactiveOffer, RecommendationResult} from "@alexa-skill-components/catalog-explorer";
export class CustomProvider<SearchCondtions, Item> extends FixedProvider<SearchCondtions, Item> {
public static NAME = "customProvider";
performAction(item: Item, actionName: string): string {
console.log("custom action performed: ", actionName);
const newItem = item as any;
return `${newItem['title']}`;
getName(): string {
return CustomProvider.NAME;
static deserialize(config: any): FixedProvider<any, any> {
return new CustomProvider(config.list, config.seenList, config.prevPageLength);
getOfferAfterSelectItem(item: Item): ProactiveOffer {
return this.createProactiveHint(item, "");
getOfferAfterGetProperty(item: Item, propertyName: String): ProactiveOffer {
return this.createProactiveHint(item, propertyName);
createProactiveHint(book: any, propertyName: String) {
// for all even id books, hint to hear the book's summary;
// for all odd id books, hint to purchase the book;
let hint = null;
if ( % 2 == 0 && propertyName != "summary") {
hint = {
propertyName: "summary"
} else {
hint = {
actionName: "purchase"
return hint;
//Register the custom provider
CatalogProviderRegistry.register(CustomProvider.NAME, CustomProvider.deserialize)