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Static site generator plugin: npm

This is a static site generator plugin for the AWS Git-backed static website stack. This plugin treats the Git repository content as source for npm run build.

This plugin takes the form of an AWS Lambda function that is deployed in a ZIP file in an S3 bucket. When the static website stack is created with CloudFormation, the site generator AWS Lambda function parameters are pointed to the ZIP file in the S3 bucket, causing the AWS Lambda function to be created and run in the new stack.

When the stack is running and the CodeCommit Git repository contents are updated, CodePipeline automatically invokes this AWS Lambda function, providing it a ZIP file of the CodeCommit Git branch contents. This function turns that site source into the static web site contents, and passes back a ZIP file. The stack then syncs that content to the S3 bucket that serves the static website.

This npm static site generator plugin effectively runs the following commands:

if [ -f yarn.lock ]; then
    yarn run build
    npm install
    npm run build

The resulting content should be in the "build" subdirectory as that will be be sync'd to the S3 bucket serving the static website.

When passing parameters to the AWS Git-backed static website CloudFormation template, specify:

  • GeneratorLambdaFunctionS3Bucket - The S3 bucket containing this AWS Lambda function ZIP file. E.g., ""

  • GeneratorLambdaFunctionS3Key - The S3 key containing this AWS Lambda function ZIP file. E.g., "lambda/"

  • GeneratorLambdaFunctionRuntime - "python2.7"

  • GeneratorLambdaFunctionHandler - "index.handler"

  • GeneratorLambdaFunctionUserParameters - "unused"

Here is a sample stack creation command using aws-cli:
[email protected]

stackname=${domain/./-}-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --region "$region" \
  --stack-name "$stackname" \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
  --template-url "$template_url" \
  --tags "Key=Name,Value=$stackname" \
  --parameters \
    "ParameterKey=DomainName,ParameterValue=$domain" \
    "ParameterKey=NotificationEmail,ParameterValue=$email" \
    "ParameterKey=GeneratorLambdaFunctionS3Bucket," \
echo region=$region stackname=$stackname

The important point in the above command is the last two "Generator*" parameters, which specify the location of the npm AWS Lambda static site generator plugin.

See the main AWS Git-backed static website stack documentation for more details on how to work with the stack once it is launched.


Static site generator plugin for AWS Git-backed static website stack: npm







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