Automate the installation of Home Assistant with Ansible
Using Ansible to import the official image of Home Assistant on Proxmox. Ansible creates a kvm virtual machine with proper configuration, then it imports the Home Assistant image file attaching it as scsi disk 0. The import is skipped when a vm named as value defined in ‘ha_vm_name’ exists on proxmox node. Root user is required to import the home assistant image through ssh with key-based authentication.
- python proxmoxer
- python requests
- ansible
Import ssh private key into ssh-agent and create the encrypted file host_vars/pve/vault
with the following command. Choose a password to encrypt the file and insert username
and password of pve:
$ ansible-vault create host_vars/pve/vault
vault_pve_api_user: "root@pam"
vault_pve_api_password: "password"
Edit host_vars/pve/vars
according your configuration:
ansible_host: ""
ansible_ssh_user: root
pve_api_user: "{{ vault_pve_api_user }}"
pve_api_password: "{{ vault_pve_api_password }}"
pve_node: "pve"
vm_storage_id: "local-zfs"
ha_version: "6.6"
ha_vm_name: "homeassistant"
ha_image_url: "{{ ha_version }}/haos_ova-{{ ha_version }}.qcow2.xz"
ha_comp_image_name: "{{ ha_image_url | basename }}"
ha_image_name: "{{ ha_comp_image_name | splitext | first }}"
Run ansible to install Home Assistant, insert the password used before to encrypt the vault file:
$ ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass install_home_assistant.yml