This library enables variable argument pattern with callback as last argument.
npm i @alesmenzel/vargs
Supports ES5, ES6 and ES6 shorthand arrow functions.
const vargs = require('@alesmenzel/vargs');
// ES5
const fnc = vargs(function(a = 15, b, c, callback) {
console.log({ a, b, c, callback })
fnc(() => {});
// { a: 15, b: undefined, c: undefined, callback: [Function] }
// ES6
const fnc = vargs((a = 15, b, c, callback) => {
console.log({ a, b, c, callback })
fnc(() => {});
// { a: 15, b: undefined, c: undefined, callback: [Function] }
// ES6 shorthand
const fnc = vargs((a = 15, b, c, callback) => console.log({ a, b, c, callback }));
fnc(() => {});
// { a: 15, b: undefined, c: undefined, callback: [Function] }