Keywords: Functional-Core-Imperative-Shell
, microservice
, kotlin
, micronaut
, DEbezium
, Domain-Driven Design
, functional-programming
Event-Driven Architecture
, Domain-Events
, Kafka
, MongoDB
, Transactional-outbox
, optimistic-locking
A bed hospital management system, using functional-core, imperative shell code architectural pattern, kotlin and micronaut.
- The system must allow the allocation of an already admitted patient to an available bed.
- The system shall prevent the allocation of a bed that is already occupied.
- The system must list all available beds for allocation
- The system must allow staff to add new beds to the system
- The system shall allow the release of a bed when a patient is discharged
- The system shall facilitate the transfer of a patient from one bed to another within the hospital
It is used only in the test env, for a prod usage it should be configured: