Some tests for algorithms that learn how to play Super Nintendo and other retro games using Deep Reinforcement Learning methods.
First create a Conda environment using one of the provided environment file, either for CPU or GPU computation. GPU is highly recommended.
conda env create -f environment-gpu.yml
After that, activate the environment
source activate gym-retro-gpu
Finally you should install the ROMs for the games you want to try.
The ideal hardware to train the player agent is to make use of a machine with a single GPU and a large number of CPUs. For instance, you could use a g3.4xlarge AWS instance. Be warned that training might take days!
Once you have decided on a game, you should desing a controller mapping for such game. This is to easen the learning process: only allow the agent to perform button combinations that make sense in the game. Just take a look at other examples in the games configuration file.
After this is done you can train on the game for a given level by running
Regular checkpoints will be saved under a folder in your ~/ray-results directory. You can visualize the training metrics by running
tensorboard --logdir=LOGDIR
You can then see the agent playing by running
python GAME LEVEL --test --checkpoint CHECKPOINTFILE
Movies of the playthrough can be recorded by adding the --makemovie
Gradius III (SNES)
python GradiusIII-Snes Level1.Mode1.Shield
Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
python DonkeyKongCountry-Snes 1Player.CongoJungle.JungleHijinks.Level1
Super Mario World (SNES)
python SuperMarioWorld-Snes DonutPlains1
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
python SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis GreenHillZone.Act1
Comix Zone (Genesis)
python ComixZone-Genesis Episode1.Page1
Work in progress! But do check my Twitter for updates.