Java library for ESC/POS printer commands. Can send text, images and barcodes to the printer. All commands are send to one OutputStream, than you can redirect to printer, file or network.
The EscPos works with OutputStream to send its commands. Here we have two examples that show different output streams.
Creating printer output stream:
PrintService printService = PrinterOutputStream.getPrintServiceByName("printerName");
PrinterOutputStream printerOutputStream = new PrinterOutputStream(printService);
EscPos escpos = new EscPos(printerOutputStream);
escpos.writeLF("Hello Wold");
Sending hello world to system out:
EscPos escpos = new EscPos(System.out);
escpos.writeLF("Hello Wold");
See on samples directory to view more codes.
Download code and binaries from the last release of escpos-coffee.
I used the following development tools. But it might work with other versions or even another tools.
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.5
Netbeans 8.2
java version "1.8.0_172"
The project can be compiled with below commands:
cd src/escpos_coffee
ant clean
ant jar
ant javadoc
You can find samples code on src/samples directory. Download the binaries here. how to run samples:
java -jar samplename.jar "printer name"
Send info of the library to the printer.
Shows how to construnct one simple receipt.
Also this sample show how simple is to create diferent text styles, like title, subtitle, bold, etc.
Style title = new Style()
.setFontSize(Style.FontSize._3, Style.FontSize._3)
Shows how to work with ImageWrapper.
Then you will see things like how to print on center-justified one image, like this:
escpos.writeLF("print on Center");
escpos.write(imageWrapper, escposImage);
Shows how to work with BitonalThreshold and BitonalOrderedDither.
Bellow, we can see how to use ordered dither class.
algorithm = new BitonalOrderedDither();
escposImage = new EscPosImage(imageBufferedImage, algorithm);
escpos.write(imageWrapper, escposImage);
Samples of barcode, PDF417 and qrcode.
Bellow, code to send barcode to the printer
BarCode barcode = new BarCode();
escpos.write(barcode, "hello barcode");
Shows how to send texts from different languages.
escpos.writeLF("Liberté et Fraternité.");
Using SemVer for versioning.
Last release here.
Contributors are wellcome, but before you do it its important to read and agree with and
I would like to thanks Michael Billington and contributors for the great work on the mike42/escpos-php project that inspired me to start this project.