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Merge pull request #533 from alan-turing-institute/530-validate-infra…
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Programatically validate infrastructure
  • Loading branch information
jemrobinson authored Mar 20, 2020
2 parents ff83ef1 + a5a51c8 commit 0ec1eae
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Showing 3 changed files with 4,433 additions and 0 deletions.
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions tests/Compare_Deployments.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
# Parameter sets in Powershell are a bit counter-intuitive. See here ( for details
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Name of the test (proposed) subscription")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="BenchmarkSubscription", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Name of the benchmark subscription to compare against")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="BenchmarkConfig", Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Path to the benchmark config to compare against")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Print verbose logging messages")]
[switch]$VerboseLogging = $false

# Install required modules
if (-Not $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Az)) { Install-Package Az -Force}
if (-Not $(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Communary.PASM)) { Install-Package Communary.PASM -Force}

# Import modules
Import-Module Az
Import-Module Communary.PASM
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/../common_powershell/Logging.psm1 -Force

function Select-ClosestMatch {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[string] $Value,
[Parameter(Position = 1)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[System.Array] $Array
$Array | Sort-Object @{Expression={ Get-PasmScore -String1 $Value -String2 $_ -Algorithm "LevenshteinDistance" }; Ascending=$false} | Select-Object -First 1

# Compare two NSG rule sets
# Match parameter-by-parameter
# --------------------------------------------
function Compare-NSGRules {
param (
[System.Array] $BenchmarkRules,
[System.Array] $TestRules
$nMatched = 0
$unmatched = @()
foreach ($benchmarkRule in $BenchmarkRules) {
$lowestDifference = [double]::PositiveInfinity
$closestMatchingRule = $null
# Iterate over TestRules checking for an identical match by checking how many of the rule parameters differ
# If an exact match is found then increment the counter, otherwise log the rule and the closest match
foreach ($testRule in $TestRules) {
$difference = 0
if ($benchmarkRule.Protocol -ne $testRule.Protocol) { $difference += 1 }
if ([string]($benchmarkRule.SourcePortRange) -ne [string]($testRule.SourcePortRange)) { $difference += 1 }
if ([string]($benchmarkRule.DestinationPortRange) -ne [string]($testRule.DestinationPortRange)) { $difference += 1 }
if ([string]($benchmarkRule.SourceAddressPrefix) -ne [string]($testRule.SourceAddressPrefix)) { $difference += 1 }
if ([string]($benchmarkRule.DestinationAddressPrefix) -ne [string]($testRule.DestinationAddressPrefix)) { $difference += 1 }
if ($benchmarkRule.Access -ne $testRule.Access) { $difference += 1 }
if ($benchmarkRule.Priority -ne $testRule.Priority) { $difference += 1 }
if ($benchmarkRule.Direction -ne $testRule.Direction) { $difference += 1 }
if ($difference -lt $lowestDifference) {
$lowestDifference = $difference
$closestMatchingRule = $testRule
if ($difference -eq 0) { break }

if ($lowestDifference -eq 0) {
$nMatched += 1
if ($VerboseLogging) { Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Found matching rule for $($benchmarkRule.Name)" }
} else {
Add-LogMessage -Level Error "Could not find an identical rule for $($benchmarkRule.Name)"
$unmatched += $benchmarkRule.Name
$benchmarkRule | Out-String
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Closest match was:"
$closestMatchingRule | Out-String

$nTotal = $nMatched + $unmatched.Count
if ($nMatched -eq $nTotal) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Success "Matched $nMatched/$nTotal rules"
} else {
Add-LogMessage -Level Failure "Matched $nMatched/$nTotal rules"

function Test-OutboundConnection {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine] $VM,
[Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[string] $DestinationAddress,
[Parameter(Position = 1)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[string] $DestinationPort
# Get the network watcher, creating a new one if required
$networkWatcher = Get-AzNetworkWatcher | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq $VM.Location }
if (-Not $networkWatcher) {
$networkWatcher = New-AzNetworkWatcher -Name "NetworkWatcher" -ResourceGroupName "NetworkWatcherRG" -Location $VM.Location
# Ensure that the VM has the extension installed (if we have permissions for this)
$networkWatcherExtension = Get-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.Name | Where-Object { ($_.Publisher -eq "Microsoft.Azure.NetworkWatcher") -and ($_.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") }
if (-Not $networkWatcherExtension) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "... registering the Azure NetworkWatcher extension on $($VM.Name). "
# Add the Windows extension
if ($VM.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration) {
$_ = Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.Name -Location $VM.Location -Name "AzureNetworkWatcherExtension" -Publisher "Microsoft.Azure.NetworkWatcher" -Type "NetworkWatcherAgentWindows" -TypeHandlerVersion "1.4" -ErrorVariable NotInstalled -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($NotInstalled) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Warning "Unable to register Windows network watcher extension for $($VM.Name)"
return "Unknown"
# Add the Linux extension
if ($VM.OSProfile.LinuxConfiguration) {
$_ = Set-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -VMName $VM.Name -Location $VM.Location -Name "AzureNetworkWatcherExtension" -Publisher "Microsoft.Azure.NetworkWatcher" -Type "NetworkWatcherAgentLinux" -TypeHandlerVersion "1.4" -ErrorVariable NotInstalled -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($NotInstalled) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Warning "Unable to register Linux network watcher extension for $($VM.Name)"
return "Unknown"
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "... testing connectivity on port $DestinationPort"
$networkCheck = Test-AzNetworkWatcherConnectivity -NetworkWatcher $networkWatcher -SourceId $VM.Id -DestinationAddress $DestinationAddress -DestinationPort $DestinationPort -ErrorVariable NotAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($NotAvailable) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Warning "Unable to test connection for $($VM.Name)"
return "Unknown"
} else {
return $networkCheck.ConnectionStatus

function Convert-RuleToEffectiveRule {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[System.Object] $rule
$effectiveRule = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSEffectiveSecurityRule]::new()
$effectiveRule.Name = $rule.Name
$effectiveRule.Protocol = $rule.Protocol.Replace("*", "All")
# Source port range
$effectiveRule.SourcePortRange = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
foreach ($port in $rule.SourcePortRange) {
# We do not explicitly deal with the case where the port is not an integer, a range or '*'
if ($port -eq "*") { $effectiveRule.SourcePortRange.Add("0-65535"); break }
elseif ($port.Contains("-")) { $effectiveRule.SourcePortRange.Add($port) }
else { $effectiveRule.SourcePortRange.Add("$port-$port") }
# Destination port range
$effectiveRule.DestinationPortRange = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
foreach ($port in $rule.DestinationPortRange) {
# We do not explicitly deal with the case where the port is not an integer, a range or '*'
if ($port -eq "*") { $effectiveRule.DestinationPortRange.Add("0-65535"); break }
elseif ($port.Contains("-")) { $effectiveRule.DestinationPortRange.Add($port) }
else { $effectiveRule.DestinationPortRange.Add("$port-$port") }
# Source address prefix
$effectiveRule.SourceAddressPrefix = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
foreach ($prefix in $rule.SourceAddressPrefix) {
if ($prefix -eq "") { $effectiveRule.SourceAddressPrefix.Add("*"); break }
else { $effectiveRule.SourceAddressPrefix.Add($rule.SourceAddressPrefix) }
# Destination address prefix
$effectiveRule.DestinationAddressPrefix = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
foreach ($prefix in $rule.DestinationAddressPrefix) {
if ($prefix -eq "") { $effectiveRule.DestinationAddressPrefix.Add("*"); break }
else { $effectiveRule.DestinationAddressPrefix.Add($rule.DestinationAddressPrefix) }
$effectiveRule.Access = $rule.Access
$effectiveRule.Priority = $rule.Priority
$effectiveRule.Direction = $rule.Direction
return $effectiveRule

function Get-NSGRules {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachine] $VM
$effectiveNSG = Get-AzEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkInterfaceName ($VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id -Split '/')[-1] -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -ErrorVariable NotAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($NotAvailable) {
# Not able to get effective rules so we'll construct them by hand
$rules = @()
# Get rules from NSG directly attached to the NIC
$nic = Get-AzNetworkInterface | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id }
$directNsgs = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $nic.NetworkSecurityGroup.Id }
$directNsgRules = @()
foreach ($directNsg in $directNsgs) {
$directNsgRules = $directNsgRules + $directNsg.SecurityRules + $directNsg.DefaultSecurityRules
# Get rules from NSG attached to the subnet
$subnetNsgs = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup | Where-Object { $_.Subnets.Id -eq $nic.IpConfigurations.Subnet.Id }
$subnetNsgRules = @()
foreach ($subnetNsg in $subnetNsgs) {
$subnetNsgRules = $subnetNsgRules + $subnetNsg.SecurityRules + $subnetNsg.DefaultSecurityRules
$effectiveRules = @()
if ($directNsgRules.Count -And $subnetNsgRules.Count) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Warning "Found both NSG rules from both the NIC and the subnet for $($VM.Name). Evaluation of effective rules may be incorrect!"
# Convert each PSSecurityRule into a PSEffectiveSecurityRule
foreach ($rule in ($directNsgRules + $subnetNsgRules)) {
$effectiveRules = $effectiveRules + $(Convert-RuleToEffectiveRule $rule)
return $effectiveRules
} else {
$effectiveRules = $effectiveNSG.EffectiveSecurityRules
# Sometimes the address prefix is retrieved as ("", "") rather than "*" (although these mean the same thing)
foreach ($effectiveRule in $effectiveRules) {
if ($effectiveRule.SourceAddressPrefix[0] -eq "") { $effectiveRule.SourceAddressPrefix.Clear(); $effectiveRule.SourceAddressPrefix.Add("*") }
if ($effectiveRule.DestinationAddressPrefix[0] -eq "") { $effectiveRule.DestinationAddressPrefix.Clear(); $effectiveRule.DestinationAddressPrefix.Add("*") }
return $effectiveRules

# Get original context before switching subscription
# --------------------------------------------------
$originalContext = Get-AzContext

# Load configuration from a benchmark subscription or config
# ----------------------------------------------------------
if ($BenchmarkSubscription) {
$JsonConfig = [ordered]@{}
# Get VMs in current subscription
$_ = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $BenchmarkSubscription
$benchmarkVMs = Get-AzVM | Where-Object { $_.Name -NotLike "*shm-deploy*" }
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Found $($benchmarkVMs.Count) VMs in subscription: '$BenchmarkSubscription'"
foreach ($VM in $benchmarkVMs) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "... $($VM.Name)"
# Get the NSG rules and connectivity for each VM in the subscription
foreach ($benchmarkVM in $benchmarkVMs) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Getting NSG rules and connectivity for $($VM.Name)"
$JsonConfig[$benchmarkVM.Name] = [ordered]@{
InternetFromPort = [ordered]@{
"80" = (Test-OutboundConnection -VM $benchmarkVM -DestinationAddress "" -DestinationPort 80)
"443" = (Test-OutboundConnection -VM $benchmarkVM -DestinationAddress "" -DestinationPort 443)
Rules = Get-NSGRules -VM $benchmarkVM
$OutputFile = New-TemporaryFile
Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile -Encoding "UTF8" -InputObject ($JsonConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Configuration file generated at '$($OutputFile.FullName)'"
$BenchmarkJsonPath = $OutputFile.FullName
} elseif ($BenchmarkConfig) {
$BenchmarkJsonPath = $BenchmarkConfig

# Deserialise VMs from JSON config
# --------------------------------
$BenchmarkJsonConfig = Get-Content -Path $BenchmarkJsonPath -Raw -Encoding UTF-8 | ConvertFrom-Json
$benchmarkVMs = @()
foreach ($JsonVm in $BenchmarkJsonConfig.PSObject.Properties) {
$VM = New-Object -TypeName PsObject
$VM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $JsonVm.Name
$VM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InternetFromPort -Value @{}
$VM.InternetFromPort.80 = $JsonVm.PSObject.Properties.Value.InternetFromPort.80
$VM.InternetFromPort.443 = $JsonVm.PSObject.Properties.Value.InternetFromPort.443
$VM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Rules -Value @()
foreach ($rule in $JsonVm.PSObject.Properties.Value.Rules) {
if ($rule.Name) { $VM.Rules += $(Convert-RuleToEffectiveRule $rule) }
$benchmarkVMs += $VM

# Get VMs in test SHM
# -------------------
$_ = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $Subscription
$testVMs = Get-AzVM
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Found $($testVMs.Count) VMs in subscription: '$Subscription'"
foreach ($VM in $testVMs) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "... $($VM.Name)"

# Create a hash table which maps test VMs to benchmark ones
# ---------------------------------------------------------
$vmHashTable = @{}
foreach ($testVM in $testVMs) {
$nameToCheck = $testVM.Name
# Override matches for names that would otherwise fail
if ($nameToCheck.StartsWith("CRAN-EXTERNAL-MIRROR")) { $nameToCheck = $nameToCheck.Replace("CRAN-EXTERNAL-MIRROR", "CRAN-MIRROR-EXTERNAL") }
if ($nameToCheck.StartsWith("CRAN-INTERNAL-MIRROR")) { $nameToCheck = $nameToCheck.Replace("CRAN-INTERNAL-MIRROR", "CRAN-MIRROR-INTERNAL") }
if ($nameToCheck.StartsWith("PYPI-EXTERNAL-MIRROR")) { $nameToCheck = $nameToCheck.Replace("PYPI-EXTERNAL-MIRROR", "PYPI-MIRROR-EXTERNAL") }
if ($nameToCheck.StartsWith("PYPI-INTERNAL-MIRROR")) { $nameToCheck = $nameToCheck.Replace("PYPI-INTERNAL-MIRROR", "PYPI-MIRROR-INTERNAL") }
if ($nameToCheck.StartsWith("APP-SRE")) { $nameToCheck = $nameToCheck.Replace("APP-SRE", "RDSSH1") }
if ($nameToCheck.StartsWith("DKP-SRE")) { $nameToCheck = $nameToCheck.Replace("DKP-SRE", "RDSSH2") }
# Only match against names that have not been matched yet
$benchmarkVMNames = $benchmarkVMs | ForEach-Object { $_.Name } | Where-Object { ($vmHashTable.Values | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }) -NotContains $_ }
$benchmarkVM = $benchmarkVMs | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $(Select-ClosestMatch -Array $benchmarkVMNames -Value $nameToCheck) }
$vmHashTable[$testVM] = $benchmarkVM
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "matched $($testVM.Name) => $($benchmarkVM.Name)"

# Iterate over paired VMs checking their network settings
# -------------------------------------------------------
foreach ($testVM in $testVMs) {
$benchmarkVM = $vmHashTable[$testVM]

# Get parameters for new VM
# -------------------------
$_ = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $Subscription
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Getting NSG rules and connectivity for $($testVM.Name)"
$testRules = Get-NSGRules -VM $testVM
# Check that each NSG rule has a matching equivalent (which might be named differently)
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Comparing NSG rules for $($benchmarkVM.Name) and $($testVM.Name)"
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "... ensuring that all $($benchmarkVM.Name) rules exist on $($testVM.Name)"
Compare-NSGRules -BenchmarkRules $benchmarkVM.Rules -TestRules $testRules
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "... ensuring that all $($testVM.Name) rules exist on $($benchmarkVM.Name)"
Compare-NSGRules -BenchmarkRules $testRules -TestRules $benchmarkVM.Rules

# Check that internet connectivity is the same for matched VMs
Add-LogMessage -Level Info "Comparing internet connectivity for $($benchmarkVM.Name) and $($testVM.Name)..."
# Test internet access on ports 80 and 443
foreach ($port in (80, 443)) {
$testInternet = Test-OutboundConnection -VM $testVM -DestinationAddress "" -DestinationPort $port
if ($benchmarkVM.InternetFromPort[$port] -eq $testInternet) {
Add-LogMessage -Level Success "The internet is '$($benchmarkVM.InternetFromPort[$port])' on port $port from both"
} else {
Add-LogMessage -Level Failure "The internet is '$($benchmarkVM.InternetFromPort[$port])' on port $port from $($benchmarkVM.Name)"
Add-LogMessage -Level Failure "The internet is '$($testInternet)' on port $port from $($testVM.Name)"

# Switch back to original subscription
# ------------------------------------
$_ = Set-AzContext -Context $originalContext

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