TCP Conection Mediator for WSO2
This is a custom mediator for WSO2 TCP connection.
exported jar file will be uploaded to repository\components\dropins folder of WSO2 installation.
This custom proxy can be used for TCP communication on WSO2
Inputs of mediator is passed by MessageContext.
tcpServerIP : Target server IP
tcpServerPort : Target server port
tcpRequestMessage : Message to send the server
tcpHasWelcomeMessage : Does server reply your connection request with a welcome message? If the server has welcome message then send true, else send false
tcpWelcomeMessage : If the server has welcome message then pass servers expected welcome message with this parameter. Mediator compares tcpWelcomeMessage with servers welcome message, if they are different then stop the execution.
tcpHasSpecialEndingMessage : This parameter is used to understand the end of servers response message. If your server send a special character at then end of its reply, you should send true, else false
tcpSpecialEndingMessages : If the server has special message ending parameter and if you send tcpHasSpecialEndingMessage true then you should send the ending message with this parameter. Mediator waits(reads) until see this parameter. You can send ; seperated multiple values.
tcpResponseMessage : This is an out parameter. Response of server is set on this property
Sample property values;
The response of TCPConnectionMediator will be in tcpResponseMessage property