Jenkins plugin to add the link to target issue of Redmine, and post build summary to target issue.
Redmine Build Notifier is a Jenkins plugin.
As you know, Redmine plugin for Jenkins already exists, but Redmine plugin needs commit info to integrate Jenkins and Redmine.
On one hand, this plugin aims to enable Jenkins build result to associate with target Redmine issue, in case no commits, no SCM.
This plugin provides a post-build step to add link to target issue. And to post build summary to target issue via Redmine API. (Optionally)
- You can associate a build with target Remine issue, passed as environment variable named
- "REDMINE_ISSUE_ID", though target Redmine project has no SCM.
- And you can set REDMINE_ISSUE_ID via build parameter.
- If a build related to issue, link to target issue is shown at left side.
- Optionally, you can post build summary to target issue via Redmine API.
redmine-java-api (Included as dependencies)
Enabled Redmine API
To enable the API-style authentication, you have to check Enable REST API with JSONP option, in Administration -> Settings -> Authentication.
- So many...
- Enabled to choice the situation of build to post comment to target issue. (E.g. In case success only..)
- Code should be more simplified, and refactored not to use Redmine Java API in view of the perpose of this plugin...
- Write much better documentation in English..