Information Technology University RISC-V IG (Verilog Week)
RISC Based Processor Design
Figure 1: Datapath of a RISC-V Based Processor
The design is discussed in more details as follows:
- 256 memory locations with 8bit address
- Each memory location contains one 16-bit word Registers
- Eight 16-bit integer registers (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7)
- 16-bit program counter (PC)
- Flags Register (N, Z, C)
Double-Source Operands dest_reg = src1_reg operation src2_reg
Single-Source Operands dest_reg = operation src2_reg
Basic format for 16-bit instructions is as follows:
Opcode | Des_reg | Src1_reg | Src2_reg** |
Bits 15:12 | 11:8 | 7:4 | 3:0 |
In case of memory read or write our 16-bit instruction becomes:
Opcode | Register | Memory |
Bits 15:12 | 11:8 | 7:0 |
These are the Operations of ALU must do.
Instruction | Meaning/Explaination |
sub | subtracts source register values and saves to destination register. |
and | compares reg1 with reg2 and saves 1 if reg1>reg2 else saves zero in the estination. |
cat | concatenates the most significant 4bits of reg1 and reg2. |
load | instructions move data from memory at 8-bit address to registers. |
store | instructions move data from registers to memory at 8-bit address. |
remv | stores zero to memory at 8-bit address. |
ceil | stores FFFF to memory at 8-bit address. |
mov | stores reg1 to destination register. |
clr | sets destination register to zero. |
inc | increments destination register. |
dec | decrements destination register. |
shl | left shifts the contents of the destination register by the number at reg2. |
shr | right shifts the contents of the destination register by the number at reg2. |
rol | left rotates the contents of the destination register by the number at reg2. |
ror | right rotates the contents of the destination register by the number at reg2. |
Note: 16-bit instruction opcodes are provided by your Verilog Testbench which will behave as program counter.
To Do:
- Write all the required modules for your processor demonstrated above.
- Write a module for memory in which declaration and initialization of memory is being done.
- Write a testbench module which provides 16-bit instruction opcodes and clock to the processor.
- Verilog Codes.
- Screenshot of Schematics
- Screenshot of Resource Utilization
- Screenshot of Power
- Testbench code
- Screenshot of Simulation