Import craigslist ads to opensource classified framework osclass using python and osclass plugin Ad Importer
Requires providing a CSV file of desired listings to add, will also dig up reply email address.
- BautifulSoup
- - python script that builds the XML file used by "Ad Importer" plugin
urls.csv - CSV file used by sample file
- Column A - Listing URL
- Column B - Category #must match your category spelling or a new category will be created
- Column C - City #will use craigslist region if nothing is present
- Column D - Region #I use Region as State in my osclass
- Column E - Custom Fields
- Column F - Phone Number #Appended after content
craigslist.xml - XML file create by
- Meet dependencies - pip install bs4
- Create the CSV of URLS
- Run
- Goto osclass admin / Plugins / Ad Importer / upload the craigslist.xml file