Postgres connection guide is not included. Reasons:
- OS specific installation and CLI
- localhost vs. cloud server
- Personal IDE (I use a VS Code extension to connect)
- /connect-wallet in discord server with bot
- pass wallet pubkey as the command argument "wallet"
- bot responds with URL to register wallet
- Navigate to URL the discord bot provides, connect a Solana wallet, sign a trx to prove ownership
- Server creates User on the database with {discordId, walletPubkey, signed=true}
- git clone
- Open 2 terminals (will be hosting 2 servers on localhost)
- Terminal 1 runs the React app frontend to register a wallet
- Terminal 2 runs the Discord client and Express/Postgres backend
- Terminal 1:
- cd ./src
- yarn
- yarn start
- Terminal 2:
- cd ./server
- yarn
- yarn start
- Navigate to localhost:3001/users/<REGISTERED_WALLET_PUBKEY> to see User info stored on database