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Get Started

You need nodejs and npm installed. Use npm install to get the rest of the dependencies.

npm start will give you a hot-reloading dev server.

Before merging to master

Before commiting any code to master, make sure you don't break anything.

Please run $ npm run premerge to check linting and run a build.

Build for deployment

We have build scripts to package the app as a tarball (for Apache) or war file (for Tomcat). Making a war file requires Java & Maven.

$ npm run makedist:tar or $ npm run makedist:war

Both scripts run a production build and then wrap the resulting /dist folder into the appropriate file type. The file will go into the /tarballs or /war_files folder (not checked into source control).

$ npm run release will bump the version, run a build, make a war file, and push the tag to Github. Use $ npm run release:minor or release:major for bigger version bumps.

Build for only one Provider

Specify the provider as the shell variable MBE_PROVIDER and run the build:provider script.

$ MBE_PROVIDER=broadsoftBusiness npm run build:provider

Deep links and query params

Begin the Buyer journey at localhost:4200/buyer/sign-up

Enter tha Admin portal at localhost:4200/login

Add query params for engine, lang and provider. E.g., localhost:4200/login?engine=rialto&lang=es&provider=broadsoftBusiness

Today, available languages are: en, es, fr, de

Providers are: broadsoftBusiness, optus, arkadin, att, laPoste, vodafone, telmex,cisco, digicel

Aliased Imports

See the tsconfig.json file for available aliases. For example, in a component you can use:

import { ApiService, User, UserService } from 'services';

One gotcha: Beware using the services alias within a service itself. Angular's DI sometimes reads this as a circular dependency. In services, it's safer to use:

import { ApiService } from '../api';
import { User, UserService } from '../user';

Also be sure to add an index.ts to new directories and add any classes or interfaces you wish to export. You will also need to update the index.ts in the parent directory.


Do not hard code any visible text strings. Use the CmsService instead. Inject the service into your component (public cms: CmsService), and you'll have access to it in the template.


Provider-specific data & branding

Provider-specific data is also available from the CmsService:

<a [href]="cms.getFromProvider('contactUsLink')">

SASS variables for each provider live in src/styles/{provider}/_variables.scss. If you add a new variable or image, you will need to rebuild the SASS map that lives in the _theme.scss file. You can do this automatically by running $ npm run generate-sass-maps.

Generic Angular CLI Info

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.3.1.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.

Code Documentation

You can generate documentation for the app using (Compodoc) using the following :

  • npm run docs

Then serve the same locally using:

  • npm run serve-docs

Compodoc use Typescript AST parser and it's internal APIs, so the comments have to be JSDoc comments :


  • Supported comment */

These ones are not supported :


  • unsupported comment */

/* unsupported comment */

// unsupported comment

Test Credit Card Numbers

Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111
MasterCard 5555 5555 5555 4444
American Express3782 8224 6310 005
Discover 6011 1111 1111 1117
JCB 3566 1111 1111 1113


No description, website, or topics provided.






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