Generate #639
6 errors
Run Generation Workflow
error running workflow: error running speakeasy command: speakeasy run -t all --installationURLs {"python-api":""} --repo-subdirs {"python-api":""} -r - exit status 1
Run Generation Workflow
linting failed: /github/workspace/repo/.speakeasy/temp/registry_eb213c.yaml - OpenAPI document invalid ✖
Run Generation Workflow
linting failed: /github/workspace/repo/.speakeasy/temp/registry_eb213c.yaml - OpenAPI document invalid ✖
Run Generation Workflow
failed to validate target python-api: failed to validate target: code samples output must be a yaml file
Run Generation Workflow
failed to run with version 1.291.0: exit status 1
Run Generation Workflow
linting failed: /github/workspace/repo/.speakeasy/temp/registry_eb213c.yaml - OpenAPI document invalid ✖