- terraform 0.12.X
- DNS Server with zone for app.com
- Nginx A Server
- Reverse Proxy
- URL redirect based on URI
- Listening on TCP/IP port 80
- redirect https://app.com/ to Nginx B Web Server
- redirect https://app.com/api/ to Node.js server
- Nginx B Web Server serving static webpages "index.html" and CSS
- Node.js service for backend processing
- Redis keeps clients connectivity state
- MySql keeps user accounts
- migrate application from OnPrem Data Centre to GCP
- Application on GCP should be Highly Available
- Application on GCP should be Scalable
- Application on GCP should be Highly Fault Tolerant
- Application logs and stastics must be visible in ELK/EFK stack
- Write scripts and yaml files, in order to run this application on a Kubernetes cluster, i.e. Helm charts or Kubernetes manifests.
- Add security as a pipeline in your deployment pipeline. i.e. SAST, DAST.
- You can use any public code to develop application and deploy it on Kubernetes cluster. Need to make sure about using ENV variables in 12Factor style, create Dockerfile.
- You have to write documentation and/or instructions about what you have done. This documents must detail steps for other DevOps to understand how to deploy this application and maintain it.
- Do not make your code public.
- Present Diagram in Draw.io
- Present few options on architecture and design
- From multiple options use one in terraform code
- Describe migration plan for huge database which maybe on diffrent engine i.e. MSSQL required to migrate to Cloud SQL
- Describe how can you make whole project secure. Including Infra, System and Application.
- use remote state
- terraform code should be promotable Dev > Staging > Production
- terraform code should be managed in source control system