Lite Scroll is a light alternative to iScroll designed to be super light, easily extendable and highly efficient.
Script example (
The script accepts a number of parameters:
var element = document.getElementById('scroll');
var scroll = LiteScroll(element, options);
The structure of the HTML follows the syntax:
<div id="scroll">
<div class="content">
All avalible options are:
var options = {
scrollX: false,
scrollY: true,
snap: false,
snapSpeed: 300,
dynamicResize: true,
scrollLock: true,
scrollLockThreshold: 20,
momentum: true,
momentumFalloff: .006,
gpuAcceleration: false
Defined if the element can be scrolled on the X and Y axis.
Defines if the scroller will snap to elements inside the content container.
Defines the length of time in milliseconds that the scroller will take to animate snapping.
Defines if the script will resize the scroller upon the window changing.
Defines if the script will lock the scroll axis once the user starts scrolling.
Defines the amount of pixels that must be scrolled before the scroll direction is locked.
Defines if scrolling will have momentum.
Defines the speed at which the momentum slows based on pixels per millisecond.
Defines if the script will try to enable GPU acceleration on transitions.
The script has multiple avalible methods.
var scroll = LiteScroll(element, options);
// Will scroll the defined coordinates (px, px, ms, cssTimingDefinition, function)
scroll.scrollTo(x, y, speed, easing, callback)
// Will snap to a child element of the scroller based on the dom index (int, ms, cssTimingDefinition, function)
scroll.snapTo(domIndex, speed, easing, callback)
// Will snap to the nearest child element of the scroller (ms, cssTimingDefinition, function)
scroll.snapToNearest(speed, easing, callback)
The script has a number of events you can bind functions to or override.
var scroll = LiteScroll(element, options);
// Bind the function this specific object
scroll.scrollStart = function(e) { }
scroll.scroll = function(e) { }
scroll.scrollEnd = function(e) { }
// Binds the function to all instances of the script
LiteScroll.prototype.scrollStart = function(e) { }
LiteScroll.prototype.scroll = function(e) { }
LiteScroll.prototype.scrollEnd = function(e) { }
When using these events there is a number of useful variables you can access.
// The function will be passed a mouse/touch event
scroll.scroll = function(e) {
// Scroller position
The plugin has been tested and is working in all major web browsers, and supports IE10 and above.
- All done for now. I'm open to suggestions.
All code is free to use and distribute under MIT License unless otherwise specified.